COVID-19 News: Stupids Saying That China Variants Have Been Circulating Before! BF.7.14, BA.5.2.48, BA.5.2.49 Are New, Past Exposure To BA.5 Will Not Help!
COVID-19 News - East Asian Variants - BF.7.15 - BA.5.2.48 - BA.5.2.49 - BF.5.1 - BF.5.2 Jan 17, 2023 2 years, 1 month, 3 weeks, 5 days, 23 hours, 23 minutes ago
COVID-19 News: There are some ignorant researchers and experts on twitter and on other garbage mainstream media claiming that the variants circulating in China have been in circulation in other countries before and that as a result of previous exposure during the BA.5 surges or exposure to these past BF or BA.5.2 sub-lineages, most would be protected from the Chinese variants.
This is complete nonsense and misinformation! The Chinese variants ie BF.7.14 and BA.5.2.48. BA.5.2.49 are new sub-lineages that just only emerged in China recently and also found just only in other East Asian countries including Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong besides other new BF.5 sub-lineages like BF.5.1 and BF.5.2 and also other newer BA.5.2 sub-lineages pending classification.
Yes, there has been other BA.5.2 and BF sub-lineages in circulation before in various parts of the world but are not these specific news sub-lineages that emerged in China.
Moreover, claims that previous infection with the BA.5 variants or earlier BF sub-lineages or BA.5.2 sub-lineages will offer protection is a totally fallacy as there is no documented proof of this!
Contrary to these stupid unsubstantiated claims by certain ‘virologist’ and experts, new studies are showing that previous infections with the BA.5 variant or even earlier BF or BA.5,2 sub-lineages or even other subvariants and their sub-lineages under the BA.5 family might not accord any protection due to immunity imprinting!
For example, a recent study involving BA.5 antiserum samples by researchers from Netherlands has found that despite the antigenic similarities between BA.5 and BQ.1.1 variants, there is little evidence for increased neutralization of BQ.1.1 by BA.5 bivalent vaccines, potentially due to immunological imprinting!
Another German study that was covered in a previous
COVID-19 News coverage also showed the immunity imprinting also prevented the bivalent boosters from being effective in neutralizing the BQ.1.1 variant which is a subvariant from the BA.5 family.
It has already been known that the even the BA.5 variant is efficient in evading any immunity by previous Omicron variants.
But what most virologists and researchers are failing to recognize is that the newer subvariants of the BA.5 family and their newer sub-lineages are also able to evade all immunity accorded by previous infections by their own earlier sub-
More studies and warnings are emerging that implies as a result of immunity imprinting, previous exposure to earlier BA.5 subvariants including the BF sub-lineages might not offer any protection against the newer emerging sub-lineages. The same goes for the bivalent boosters that contain the BA.5 antigen
Till more studies emerge about the degree of immune evasiveness of the new East Asian sub-variants and sub-lineages like BF.7.14, BA.5.2.48, BA.5.2.49, BF.5.1, BF.5.2 and other newer sub-lineages from these countries like China and Japan, stupid and clueless ‘virologist’ and ‘experts’ should stop making claims that these East Asian subvariants and sub-lineages are of no threat!
In fact, preliminary data from China and Japan is showing that not only are these new East Asian variants driving disease severity and increased risk of mortality but they are also rapidly evolving and giving rise to even newer concerning sub-lineages that are even more worrisome.
Furthermore, due to host genetic factors in the East that also contribute to driving the emergence of these newer subvariants and sub-lineages, it is expected that when these newer sub-lineages hit the Western countries, the Caucasian race that has a different genetic make up is likely to suffer more serious consequences!
The XBB.1.5 or Kraken variant that many western experts and mainstream media are claiming will be more serious is really not much of a threat as it will only affect those in the vulnerable groups ie the aged above 65 years of age, those with existing comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart or kidney issues and the immunocompromised but for the others, it will be mild except off course like with all SARS-CoV-2 variants, it will cause Long COVID-19 issues. It should be noted that people in the vulnerable group will always be susceptible to any variants or sub-lineages.
We actually predict that will although the XBB.1.5 is more transmissible and will affect many, the wave will be short-lived. Rather the threat from these East Asian variants would be more serious alongside other newer emerging variants such as DS.1, CM.1.8, BN.1.5.1, BN.1.9, BN.4 BR.3 etc.
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