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Source: COVID-19 Scams  Dec 01, 2020  4 years, 3 months, 1 week, 1 day, 4 hours, 10 minutes ago

COVID-19 Scams: A Global Reality Show Might Help Dispel Doubts About COVID-19 Vaccines And Help Establish Vaccine Acceptance And Confidence

COVID-19 Scams: A Global Reality Show Might Help Dispel Doubts About COVID-19 Vaccines And Help Establish Vaccine Acceptance And Confidence
Source: COVID-19 Scams  Dec 01, 2020  4 years, 3 months, 1 week, 1 day, 4 hours, 10 minutes ago
COVID-19 Scams: Kinda sick of reading about so called ‘experts’ and leaders in various industries complaining that there is a lot of misinformation online and that people are lacking confidence to accept the new COVID-19 vaccines as result of that. However they themselves failed to reassure the public with proper facts and assume that the masses are really stupid. (Well maybe in certain countries but not all!)

While I do agree that there is really a lot of stupid and ridiculous stories online advocating as to why the vaccines should be avoided and misinformation online with regards to the COVID-19 vaccines such as one that talks about Bill Gates ‘fetish’ to get people vaccinated so that he can control them etc, I for one who typically believes in vaccines would opt out of taking a COVID-19 vaccine and will instead wait for about 6 months to see what happens to those that have been vaccinated before I decide to take the vaccines or better still might wait for the second or third generation vaccines being developed.
There are numerous scientifically based studies published by credible scientists and research institutions that seem to subtly warn about these vaccines from various aspects, hence my reluctance. But if these vaccine developers and health authorities can kindly answer all these questions, I will truly become a convert.
My reason for doing so is based on science as there are so many unanswered questions and the vaccine studies have not been very transparent. There are unanswered questions about the vaccine reactions to the various newly emerging strains that are fast becoming prevalent, about ADE or Antibody-dependent enhancement, about mucosal immunity, about actual periods of protection, about how to audit if the vaccine one would truly prevent progress into severity conditions or it is just a placebo, about antibodies that might be developed towards the actual vectors that are used in some vaccines ie adenovirus platforms…would I develop antibodies to it and will it hamper my future chances of gaining from drugs or therapeutics utilizing the same vector, about antibody resistant strains of the SARS-CoV-2 that are already in existence etc plus a hundred more questions.
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The best solution for all would be for all is to have a live streamed global reality show with at least 500 participants comprising the vaccine developers, researchers and their families, the government authorities responsible for these vaccines and their families, journalist, media and social media owners and their families and all those key personalities that have been so adamant that everybody should have the vaccines, key members  of Trump administration and Operation Warp Speed and Trump himself and his family.(He loves reality shows!)
Let’s have them all locked away in special settings with cameras on them 24 hours and get third parties to vaccinate them with the various vaccines that have been highly promoted and then lets expose them to various strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, fed in thru the air  of the enclosed settings. We can rotate the various strains ie as in what’s circulating these days ie there are about 75 prevailing  strains and also about 13 antibody resistant strains that can be used on them in turns and also in combinations or collectively to simulate real conditions and the participants should not be released from the locked settings till at least 180 days for the world to see the efficacy of these vaccines nor should they be allowed to be given immediate medical attention should they develop any conditions as we should want to simulate real settings of waiting a while etc.
Such a show would garner lots of advertising support and monies which could be used for actual drug repurposing, supplement and herbal studies etc.
Furthermore if the vaccines are as effective as claimed, these selected  participants have nothing to lose as they have done a great service to mankind and help better acceptance of these vaccines if they worked.i f the vaccines do not however work, the show also benefit the world by getting rid of despicable scammers.
This is a challenge that I hope would be accepted by all those wanting to force individuals or make it mandatory to take the COVID-19 vaccines despite no proper reassurances. People are already tired by the hydrochloroquine, remdesivir, favipiravir, kaletra and the monoclonal antibody scams in this COVID-19 pandemic so far.
For more on COVID-19 Scams, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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