COVID-19 Scams? ‘Loony Dumb Trump’ Backs Approval For Eli Lilly and Regeneron’s Antibody Treatments Despite Insufficient Clinical Data
Source: COVID-19 Scams Oct 09, 2020 4 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 22 hours, 40 minutes ago
COVID-19 Scams? As anticipated, Eli Lily and Regeneron have applied for emergency approval for their laboratory -produced antibodies against COVID-19 and Donald Trump aka ‘Loony Dump Trump’ has signaled his strong presidential backing based on the fact he was treated with them. (There no proof if he was really infected and the whole thing could have been elaborately staged or is there any proof that he has even been fully recovered if really infected!) In reality, according to American media and also certain reliable sources, there is a clandestine group of a businessmen led by Tom Cahill that has been directing all the white house health and COVID-19 directives including supposedly the approval of Remdesivir to even orchestrating Trump being given Regeneron etc all with the help of Nick Ayers, an aide of Mike Spence.
To date, remedisivir which many frontline doctors are now complaining does not seem to show any effectiveness is an overpriced drug that goes for about US$3600 for five doses (most severe cases needs at least 10 doses or more!) and which the Trump administration and his cronies purchased huge stocks using tax payers monies has now been shown to cause acute kidney injury in patients using it.
‘Dumb Trump’s political interference’ at the U.S.Food and Drug Administration is eroding public trust after his first endorsement and active promotion of using chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, a lethal drug that has no efficacy against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. No legal proceedings were taken against him for the fraudulent protocol he promoted despite hundreds of lost lives he indirectly caused.
The new therapies developed by Regeneron and Eli Lilly are called "monoclonal antibodies," a relatively new class of drugs that are best known for treating certain types of cancer and autoimmune disease.
The human immune systems produce antibodies, which are infection-fighting molecules, and vaccines teach our bodies to be prepared to make the right ones for particular pathogens.
A somewhat similar potential strategy is to give a patient fighting a disease the antibodies of someone who has already recovered. This is known as convalescent plasma, but it's hard to procure plasma on a big enough scale to use it very widely.
Both Regeneron and Lilly have developed "cocktails" of antibodies based on the most effective ones they have discovered. In the case of Regeneron, one of these came from a person and the other from a mouse with a genetically-modified human-like immune system.
These cocktail of antibodies all work by binding to and distorting a surface structure of the SARS-CoV-2 virus called the "spike protein" that it uses to invade human cells.
Interestingly the host immune cells that produce the antibodies can be cultured in a lab to produce the desired antibodies en masse.
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As antibodies can't be ingested in a pill, they have to be transfused using a drip. In theory they could be used to immunize people too, but unlike vaccines the protection would be highly transient.
Regeneron and Lilly have released some early data based on a few hundred non-hospitalized patients in clinical trials, with both claiming their treatments reduced viral load and recovery time. There is no safety data for both as yet.
Interestingly one particularly eye-catching figure came from Lilly's mid-stage trial, which showed the rate of COVID-related hospitalization and emergency visits was 0.9 percent for patients treated with its therapy versus 5.8 percent on placebo.
However that result was for Lilly's "combination" treatment of two antibodies, whereas it has so far only applied for emergency approval for a "monotherapy" of one antibody, because it has greater stocks of it and some safety data available.
‘Loony DumbTrump’, who was ‘diagnosed’ with COVID-19 last week and was ‘treated’ with Regeneron's version, has made it clear he is a big fan. (Regeneron is expected to make trillions of dollars once approved by the U.S. FDA as it is already had ‘Dumb Trump’ to indirectly be its presenter!)
Alarmingly in a video released on Tuesday night, ‘Loony Dumb Trump’ said, "It really did a fantastic job, I want to get for you what I got." He also said in the same video that God wanted him to get COVID-19!
He has not gone into details as to how much both drugs would costs or even about how much of the American tax payers money he would use to procure these drugs or about how much he and his cronies would make from this deal! There are now speculations that a single dose of Regenerons drug would cost about US$6200 to US$8,000 per dose!
The U.S. president's comments, based on his personal experience rather than scientific and medical data, could heighten fears for the integrity of the regulatory process.
The U.S.FDA In theory, operates independently from the White House, but its decision to issue an emergency use approval (EUA) in March for the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine touted by Trump raised serious concerns.
To date no clinical trials have yet found in favor of using hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19 and the EUA was later withdrawn given safety fears and growing number of deaths from using it.
The evidence standard used by the U.S. FDA to grant emergency approval for the antiviral remdesivir was simply based on the fact that it reduced hospitalization stays!
The U.S. FDA has also given an EUA approval for convalescent plasma, despite there being no trial data in its favor yet—so approval of monoclonal antibodies does seem likely!
Americans are living in scary times with a ‘loony’ and greedy president at its helm, who has no regard or concerns for the safety of American lives over his greed and need to stay in power.
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