COVID-19 Scams: WHO Issues Warning Against Use Of Remdesivir For COVID-19. Countries Should Beware Of Any Therapeutics Approved In The USA!
Source: COVID-19 Scams Nov 20, 2020 4 years, 3 months, 2 days, 15 hours, 52 minutes ago
COVID-19 Scams: Finally the world is seeing more day by day the scams perpetrated by American entities including the NIH, CDC, FDA, the Trump Administration and individuals like Dr Anthony Fauci, billionaires like Tom Cahill and politicians like Nick Ayers and Mike Spence.
One of the biggest scams that is coming to light is remdesivir, an overpriced drug that had no efficacy against COVID-19 but in which millions of dollars of tax payers monies were put into its faked and manipulated research by the NIH especially the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases headed by Dr Anthony Fauci. Unethical researchers, medical journals, American media and social media platforms were bought to promote it use and extol its non-existent merits while the no longer credible US FDA that is controlled by the Trump administration approved its use despite not having any long term safety studies to support its use. The Trump administrations spent billions purchasing the overpriced drug that had no efficacy against COVID-19 except that it could cause kidney injury and liver issues in individuals using the drug! Clandestine groups of businessmen headed by Tom Cahill and Nick Ayers were rumoured to be behind getting remdesivir approved and are also rumored to be behind certain monoclonal protocols and Regeneron’s antibody treatments and certain RNA vaccines including two that has Dr Anthony’s indirect involvement, unknown to many.
After numerous studies showing that it does not really work and can actually do more harm, more entities wordwide are rejecting the use of remdesivir. ( Thailand Medical News had been the only media since the beginning to voice out against remdesivir usage since the beginning due to our prior awareness of its toxicity in initial Ebola trials that were covered up.)
Finally a WHO Guideline Development Group (GDG) panel of international experts has issued a warning against the usage of remdesivir to treat COVID-19.
The guidelines and warning was published in the British Medical Journal.
The new guidelines warns that the antiviral drug remdesivir is not suggested for patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19, regardless of how severely ill they are, because there is currently no evidence that it improves survival or the need for ventilation.
The new recommendation is part of a living guideline, developed by the World Health Organization with the methodological support of MAGIC Evidence Ecosystem Foundation, to provide trustworthy guidance on the management of COVID-19 and help doctors make better decisions with their patients.
These living guidelines are useful in fast moving research areas like COVID-19 because they allow researchers to update previously vetted and peer reviewed evidence summaries as new information becomes available.
Remdesivir had initiall received worldwide attention as a potentially effective treatment for severe COVID-19 and was increasingly used to treat patients in hospital. But its role in clinical practice has remained uncertain.
This new recommendation is based on a new evidence review comparing the effects of several drug treatments for COVID-1
9. It includes data from four international randomised trials involving over 7,000 patients hospitalized for COVID-19.
Upon thoroughly reviewing this evidence, the WHO GDG expert panel, which includes experts from around the world including four patients who have had COVID-19, concluded that remdesivir has no meaningful effect on mortality or on other important outcomes for patients, such as the need for mechanical ventilation or time to clinical improvement.
The WHO panel acknowledged that the certainty of evidence is low and said the evidence did not prove that remdesivir has no benefit; rather, there is no evidence based on currently available data that it does improve important patient outcomes.
However given the remaining possibility of important harm, as well as the relatively high cost and resource implications associated with remdesivir (it must be given intravenously), they judged this to be an appropriate recommendation.(What is not known to many is that there has been many reported cases of COVID-19 patients upon being given remdesivir, developing acute kidney injuries.)
For a list of past articles outlining remdesivir failure as a drug to treat COVID-19, check out the archives at Thailand Medical News. Simply do a search for remdesivir in our search function.
Also note that there will be more scams that were perpetrated by the same groups of American individuals and entities that will be exposed in the coming months including certain antibody based treatments and certain COVID-19 vaccines.
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