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Source: COVID-19 Tips  May 03, 2020  4 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 5 hours, 54 minutes ago

COVID-19 TIPS: While Shutdowns Are Easing In Some Parts Of The World, People Need to Start Preparing For The Actual First Wave

COVID-19 TIPS: While Shutdowns Are Easing In Some Parts Of The World, People Need to Start Preparing For The Actual First Wave
Source: COVID-19 Tips  May 03, 2020  4 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 5 hours, 54 minutes ago
COVID-19 Tips: Yes, many are confused by the headlines and some might even accuse us of creating panic, spreading fear or misinformation. But please just take a moment and go through the repository of articles and archives of all our reports or findings and note the dates. We were the first to highlight so many issues from the beginning of the so-called COVID-19 crisis and to date we have yet to be wrong.

Now if many of you think that this is the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and that so far the 3.5 million confirmed infected cases globally  as result of testing and the 245,248 reported deaths are signaling the peak of the crisis, you are all going to be shocked for what is in store and coming.
As far as we are concerned at TMN (Thailand Medical News) and as what we have always said, this is just the trial run period for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
The first actual first wave has yet to have even started and the SARS-C0V-2 coronavirus has only been testing the human host cellular functions, pathways, immunity systems and even the environment and surroundings while it ‘learns’, adapts, evolves and mutates to something more potent, virulent and omnipresent.
Medical experts, researchers and healthcare professionals so far have an ill-equipped arsenal to combat the virus from lack of information about the new coronavirus (that has made its official debut only about 4 months ago), diagnostic platforms that are not accurate (most PCR NAT test kits and antibody test kits have a high degree of inaccuracy despite whatever ever the manufacturer or pre-print studies say), a ‘dinosaur’ way of approaching and studying the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus by comparing it to other past viruses and coronavirus and not accepting the fact that this virus is anomalous in always all aspects and characteristics.
It because of this traditional manner of looking at the virus that many key and critical facts are being overlooked or neglected especially the way the genomic structure of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is gradually evolving as it passes from one person to another.
Many virologist are assuming that the virus will weaken and that even minute changes are irrelevant and might not contribute much to its potency or the way its affects the human host.
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It must also be noted that many virologist and genomic experts have arbitrary standards of defining mutations and that is also another issue.
The next wave will not be based on what most people are anticipating it to be affected by on ie climatic or seasonal changes or even about when shutdowns are eased and people start spreading it to one another. Rather the next wave will start when the virus has evolved into a smart, poten t and easily transmissible virus that has its own ‘bioclocks’ and even “bio monitoring and triggering mechanisms.” (sounds ‘farfetched’, just be patient as we start revealing more research findings the next few weeks.
Unknown to many, there are already so many mutated strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus out there and many with different modes of attacking human host cells and key proteins in the hosts. We are now witnessing more and more different clinical manifestations of the disease around the world.
There are no known drugs that can actually treat the COVID-19 disease by having the efficacy to completely eradicate the coronavirus. So far even all known experimental drugs from Kaletra,  Alpha-interferon, Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine, Arbidrol, Avigan (Favipiravir) even Remidesivir have not been able to demonstrate any solid efficacy against the pathogen and all we have been seeing are half-baked manipulated study findings that does not show any ounce of real efficacy.
The new study findings emerging,,-making-it-more-transmissible-and-dangerous-the-reality-is-that-there-is-unlike , indicate that there will most likely be no successful vaccine that will materialize that will be able to eradicate or control the COVID-19 disease despite all the hot air spewed by numerous entities.
The antibodies that certain ‘recovered’ patients have are only short-lived and will not be able to protect against reinfections despite whatever that has been said as we are already witnessing numerous ‘recovered’ patients getting reinfected again.
Researchers looking for a single drug to treat the COVID-19 disease will be in for a real failure as there will be no single real drug that can cure or treat it. Rather the approach will be a combo of drugs to suppress the viral load and treat the disease symptoms and keep it dormant until the human body’s immune system weakens or breaks down next or gets reinfected with more strains.
So till more research and studies find a solution, the actual wave is going to be really catastrophic.
What smart individuals can do during this brief respite period, as shutdown eases in certain countries is to start preparing for the actual wave by even planning financially as to how the ride out the actual wave which will last a much longer time, hoarding food and medical supplies and start planning strategies on how to deal with various situations that can arise for example inability to seek treatments at hospitals (start stocking out on medical supplies and equipment). We are not going to say much but we are emailing out a guide and also a list of must have drugs, supplements and herbs  from  the various repurposing studies and also clinical studies that have shown to be able to help manage the disease and also the various symptoms that materializes. (we are not publishing this  openly for a variety of reasons but it will be sent via email to all past supporters of the website within the next fortnight)
Only the prepared will ride through the actual wave and next waves that follow, as this pandemic is expected to last for at least 2 to 3 years.
For more COVID-19 tips, keep logging to Thailand Medical News.
A Call For Help! Please help support to sustain this website and all our efforts to propel further research and also various international community projects by making a donation. Donations are accepted via paypal.


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