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Source: Monoclonal Antibodies-SARS-CoV-2 Variants  Oct 07, 2021  3 years, 3 months, 1 week, 6 days, 22 hours, 43 minutes ago

Hilarious! Study Confirms Monoclonal Antibody Treatments Are Driving Emergence Of Antibody Resistant Variants But Corrupted US Agencies Are Promoting Them!

Hilarious! Study Confirms Monoclonal Antibody Treatments Are Driving Emergence Of Antibody Resistant Variants But Corrupted US Agencies Are Promoting Them!
Source: Monoclonal Antibodies-SARS-CoV-2 Variants  Oct 07, 2021  3 years, 3 months, 1 week, 6 days, 22 hours, 43 minutes ago
Monoclonal Antibodies-SARS-CoV-2 Variants: If anything, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed to those intelligent enough to understand anything that the elites in the United States are nothing more than the most filthy, unethical and greedy and corrupted live forms ever to emerge this earth.

From day one of the pandemic, certain American elites have been controlling the narratives of the COVID-19 pandemic along with a few others from the United Kingdom. Hence, we have most of the most badly managed global pandemics as unfortunately there is still other stupid leaders from across the world who are still taking their cues for their health policies and strategies from the United States. The Obama led minions are taking their orders from a group of elites that are in hiding in the shadow, with mainstream media, social media, search engines, researchers, research institutions and even certain government officials all under their payroll.
In the last 22 months since the most potent bioweapon (The spike proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus) was released as a result of what can be described as one of the most embarrassing bungled security espionage by the US DARPA and US NIH under the directives of Obama (Trump was clueless and the current Biden is just a puppet and if truth ever came out about the real origins of the virus and the reasons and situation for its release, it would be an embarrassment for all those in power in all the three countries ie United States, China and the United Kingdom!), we had to endure stupid and non-accurate diagnostics (How stupid to be using nasal swabs to test if a person has been completely recovered from COVID-19 when the virus reservoirs could be in the organs or deep tissues), suppression of actual therapeutics that can help treat the COVID-19 disease (There are lots of cheap existing drugs that can be repurposed to treat COVID-19 as well as phytochemicals that can be used as prophylaxis and as therapeutics against the SARS-CoV-2), suppression of study findings (We have evidence of researchers being paid to stop the publications of certain critical studies or even journal owners being paid to not published certain study findings but rather to publish manipulated study findings that further the cause of the elites!) and even manipulation of data on certain public platforms such as Next Strain and GISAID. (A lot of data is deliberately being prevented from being uploaded including data of certain mutations on certain ORFs and also on certain new variants and also on the various emerging Delta subvariants. We too have received threats from certain American agencies to not report on details of the various emerging Delta sub-variants. Notice that for the last few weeks nothing has being reported on these Delta sub-variants by any media or medical journals despite the fact that more than 137 concerning sub-variants have already emerged with a few like the AY.12, AY.29, AY.33 and AY 41 and others that could change the course of the whole COVID-19 pandemic in a bad way!)
Despite warnings that in the case of coronavirus, the most logical approach for prophylactics and therapeutics would be a combination of antivirals along with anti-inflammatories and anti-thrombotics, the American elites along with certain UK collaborators have made the world to assume that antibody based therapeutics such as monoclonal antibodies and vaccines would be the answer to eradicating the novel coronavirus.
In reality these approaches are what that are driving the mutations and va rious variants to emerge but then again unethical researchers are being paid by the elites to come forward and say vice versa and even come up with manipulated study findings.
Fortunately, there are a few real credible and ethical researchers and scientists that have come forth with their studies to show that the antibody-based treatment protocols are driving the SARS-CoV-2 variant emergence.
One new study to add to the growing list is a new study by researchers from the Gundersen Health System in Wisconsin-USA.
In their study they found that the monoclonal antibody drugs that the US FDA and US NIH had initially approved ie Bamlanivimab was causing the emergence of new variants. The drug later had its EUA approval revoked but America is now promoting other monoclonal drugs such as Sotrovimab and combinations of monoclonal drugs including Casirivimab/Imdevimab. There are other monoclonal drugs soon to be given EUA status as well as polyclonal drugs! (All these are also driving mutations!)
Early studies indicated that monoclonal antibody treatment in immunocompromised individuals could result in within-host viral evolution preferentially affecting epitopes recognized by these antibodies, although whether this signifies a real risk of transmissible antibody resistant virus is unclear.

The study team took advantage of a regional SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance program encompassing regions in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa to monitor the introduction or de novo emergence of SARS-Cov-2 lineages with clinically relevant variants.
The team describes a newly acquired E484K mutation in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein detected within the B.1.311 lineage. Multiple individuals in two related households were infected. The timing and patterns of subsequent spread were consistent with de novo emergence of this E484K variant in the initially affected individual who had been treated with bamlanivimab monotherapy. The subsequent transmission to close contacts occurred several days after the resolution of symptoms and the end of this patient's quarantine period.
The study findings suggest that the selective pressures introduced by the now widespread administration of these antibodies may warrant increased genomic surveillance to identify and mitigate spread of therapy-induced variants.
The study findings were published on a preprint server and are currently being peer reviewed.
Ever since the debut of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Wuhan, China, in late December 2019, the virus has undergone several mutations that have led to the continuous emergence of variants.
It has been found that with the implementation of monoclonal antibody therapeutics during the COVID19 pandemic, the selective pressures encountered by SARS-CoV-2 have been changed, increasing the probability that more resistant variants of the virus will develop and become transmissible into the larger population.
Alarmingly some of the circulating variants are much more virulent than the ancestral strain and have made combatting the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic much harder. It is, therefore, essential to monitor the emergence and spread of new variants, as that will help in containing the transmission of the virus.
Importantly the E484K mutation in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 has been found in a number of variants of concern, including B.1.1.7 (UK variant), B.1.351 (South Africa variant), and P.1 (Brazil variant). The spike protein is crucial for viral entry and is also the target for the majority of antibodies.
Many studies have shown that variants with the E484K mutation show reduced responses to vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies.
Importantly the potential for monoclonal antibody treatments to select antibody-resistant mutants has been identified in previous research. However, the surveillance of close contacts or broader community of patients, post-administration, has not been reported.
The study findings demonstrated that selective pressures induced by the administration of monoclonal antibodies (Bamlanivimab) may require increased genomic surveillance to identify and control the spread of therapy-induced variants.
A key novelty of this study is that it is genomically supported and documents the onward transmission of a mutation of concern, which could have been selected post-monoclonal antibody therapy treatment of the index case.
The majority of single-agent monoclonal antibodies being used are a combination of products involving mixtures of antibodies, which should bring about a reduction in the selection of variants of concern but not totally!
But this should reduce the probability of selecting a resistance variant with mutations at two distinct epitopes and provide therapeutic durability in variants with a single mutation at one of the two designated epitopes that emerge.
The study team advocates for fast genotyping of the virus from the household members of patients who have received monoclonal antibody treatments. This could help in rigorous isolation of those carrying resistant variants and, thereby, prevent the onward spread of the same.
Past research highlighted the many advantages of vaccination over monoclonal antibodies. A monoclonal antibody cannot cure individuals immediately, does not prevent transmission in the short term, does not guarantee against reinfection, performs poorly in populations experiencing exponential disease transmission, and diverts resources away from other areas where they are needed most during a crisis.
This current Monoclonal Antibodies-SARS-CoV-2 Variants study adds one further cause for concern: widespread usage of monoclonal antibodies may select antibody-resistant strains that might also escape prior natural or vaccine-acquired immunity. To somewhat mitigate this problem, study team suggests substantially improving surveillance in the context of monoclonal antibody utilization. However, the risks might still outweigh the potential benefits of the antibody treatment.
Experts should consider how the risks drive the broader epidemiology of the COVID-19 pandemic in the face of unrestrained global spread. The study team stated that if this phenomenon of developing resistance was common, then experts would observe more frequent examples of independent E484 mutations than what the current data show. Nevertheless, health authorities should be mindful of these risks while conducting any cost-benefit analysis of deploying monoclonal antibody treatments at a large scale.
Importantly even if the emerged resistance variants do not venture far from their point of origin, they may alter treatment outcomes locally. As an example, in the region where the study team of the current study are based, genome-level data would suggest a high degree of efficacy of Bamlanivimab/Etesevimab, despite being unavailable nationally. This would prevent local access to meaningful medication and the effect of this scenario is quite challenging to quantify.
However, it should be noted that even a combo of monoclonal drugs are still creating new antibody resistant variants.
The study findings demonstrated the possibility of onward transmission of newly emerged antibody-resistant variants. These variants could emerge in patients with recent treatment history with single-agent monoclonal antibodies. These agents are widely being used, owing to which there is a possibility of reinforcing the existing genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2.
The study team states that if the use of monoclonal antibodies is to be further expanded, then there is a need for additional quick surveillance for mutations of concern.
Meanwhile in America, the usage of single and combo monoclonal drugs such as Sotrovimab, Casirivimab/Imdevimab are still being actively promoted by the no longer credible America regulatory agency ie the U.S. FDA while more new monoclonal drugs are also expected to be given EUA status soon.
For more on Monoclonal Antibodies-SARS-CoV-2 Variants, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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