Source: Thailand Medical News May 20, 2019 5 years, 8 months, 1 week, 14 hours, 41 minutes ago
According to a study presented at the current ongoing European Society Of Endrocrinology Annual Meeting 2019 at Lyon, the number of male patients with increased complications and symptoms arising due to the misuse if steroids in increasing globally especially in Asian countries where illegal steroids are easily available.
Many males despite the health warnings associated with anabolic steroid usage still continue taking them .What worst is that many do not even consult a doctor or an endocrinologists and merely self -prescribe based on information from colleagues or the internet. Many resort to taking steroids mostly for vanity purposes ie muscle building or to enhance strength and physical performance.
The side effects of taking steroids are not only serious but life-limiting and potentially lethal according to findings presented at the ECE 2019 proceedings. The use of steroids has life-limiting and serious side effects including reduced sperm count, erectile dysfunction, baldness, breast development and an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and liver or kidney failure.
The incidence of males admitting themselves to hospitals in Asia due to steroid usage has tripled in the last two years with liver and kidney failure leading the lists followed by heart stroke.
Despite this steroid misuse persists, a 2018 study estimated that worldwide 4.2% of the population or 7.8% of the male population are abusing steroids. Recent evidence has suggested that not only do steroids pose serious health risks to the individual but that they also cause damage to sperm, so could be harmful to their future children. Kids born from fathers taking anabolic steroids can end up with life threatening conditions.
Typical anabolic steroids side effects
Recent studies are also emerging that taking anabolic steroids can cause genetical mutations in the DNA of sperm cells, giving rise to new mutated genes.
To adequately tackle this health issue, it is necessary to establish whether men abusing steroids are fully aware of all the risks or if they are choosing to ignore them.
In a study, Dr Mykola Lykhonosov and his team from Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University in Russia, conducted an anonymous survey of men, who regularly attend the gym, to assess their knowledge of, use of and attitude towards the health risks of anabolic steroids. Of 550 respondents 30.4% said they used steroids, 74.3% of users were aged 22-35 years old and 70.2% of users said they were aware of the side effects. In addition, 54.8% of all respondents indicated that they would like to receive more expert information on steroids and their side effects. Many were unconcerned about the negative side effects associated with steroid usage.
In an phone interview with Thailand Medial News,Dr Lykhonosov said, "These findings were surprising, not only was the prevalence of steroid abuse high, knowledge of the damaging side effects was also high, yet this does not stop them taking them."
Dr Lykhonosov's plans to investigate how to treat hormonal imbalances and disorders caused by steroid abuse. He also thinks that greater public awareness of steroid
abuse and its health risks may help discourage users and suggested that health ministries in various countries should embark on an educational campaign to discourage steroid usage among men.
Dr Lykhonosov further added, "We need to tackle this growing public health problem, increasing awareness through the promotion of stories from former users, on how steroid abuse has negatively impacted on their health and lives, could be a good strong message to discourage abuse."