Is Merck’s Gardasil HPV Vaccine Triggering Cervical Cancer Instead Of Preventing It? Numerous Legal Suits Filed Against Merck! Emerging Data Is Worrisome!
Medical News - HPV Vaccines - Cervical Cancer May 07, 2023 1 year, 10 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 7 hours, 16 minutes ago
Medical News: A sudden panic is striking not only individuals who had received HPV vaccines but even doctors and researchers and even
Medical News sites like ours are getting extremely worried after news emerged that a major legal case has been filed against the pharmaceutical giant Merck over claims that its HPV vaccines, Gardasil actually triggered cervical cancer in a young woman.
According to, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine injury lawyers from Wisner Baum (formerly Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman, a very prestigious American law firm, has filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of a young woman, Caroline Cantera from Utah who alleges Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine caused her to develop cervical cancer and other injuries. This is the first lawsuit to allege Gardasil can cause cervical cancer, the very cancer Merck asserts Gardasil prevents.
Imagine a world where a vaccine marketed as a miracle cure for cervical cancer actually causes cancer. This is the chilling reality that thousands of young women like Caroline Cantera are living with. Cantera and her fellow plaintiffs are accusing pharmaceutical giant Merck of a sinister cover-up that has put millions of lives at risk.
According to a jaw-dropping complaint filed against Merck, the company has never actually studied if Gardasil prevents cervical cancer. Instead, they focused on preventing specific lesions, with some of these lesions being linked to cancer. Shockingly, the majority of such lesions tend to regress on their own without any intervention.
Gardasil's approval was rushed, and the company embarked on a massive marketing campaign, claiming that the vaccine would make girls "one less" victim of cervical cancer. What's more, the Gardasil vaccine label states that it has not been evaluated for its potential to cause cancer. It's like a twisted plot from a dystopian novel, but this is real life.
Recent studies including some linked to the U.S. CDC suggest that suppressing the HPV strains targeted by Gardasil may actually create an environment for more virulent strains to thrive, increasing the risk of cervical cancer.
Merck's own studies indicate that individuals previously exposed to HPV (a significant portion of the population) who are vaccinated face up to a 44.6% increased risk of developing advanced pre-cancer cells or worse.
Cervical cancer rates have alarmingly skyrocketed among young women in countries with high Gardasil uptake. Many young women who have received the Gardasil vaccine are now skipping routine Pap screening, falsely believing that the vaccine will protect them from cervical cancer.
Caroline Cantera was a healthy, active 19-year-old when she received her first of three Gardasil shots. Lured by Merck's convincing marketing, she believed the vaccine was safe and would prevent cervical cancer. After her injections, she experienced debilitating fatigue, intense stomach aches, and overall weakness.
Tragically, Caroline was later diagnosed with stage four cervical cancer. Cantera's story is a harrowing tale of corporate greed and deception that has led to life-altering consequences. Her cancer treatments have resulted in early menopause, making her unable to have her own children. Despite everything she's endured, she bravely fights on, determined to expose Merck and seek justice for herself and countless others.
The lawsuit against Merck includes claims of negligence, strict liability, breach of warranty, and common law fraud. This is not Merck's first brush with controversy.
The company has a dark history of bringing contentious products to market, such as Fosamax, Nuvaring, and the infamous Vioxx, which resulted in billions of dollars in settlements and fines.
Plaintiffs in the Gardasil litigation allege that Merck has engaged in similar corporate misconduct with its HPV vaccine.
Cervical cancer rates have surged in countries where Gardasil has been widely adopted. In Norway, Sweden, Scotland, and the United States, cervical cancer rates have increased among young women. In England, rates among women aged 20 to 24 have risen a staggering 65%.
The false sense of security provided by Merck's marketing for Gardasil has led many young women to forgo regular screening and Pap tests. Until 2021, Gardasil had more reported adverse events than any other vaccine, with over 64,000 adverse event reports by December 2019.
There will be more law suits emerging in other countries shortly and also there are now plans by various groups to sue medical websites, media, social media platforms, organizations, hospitals, doctors and anyone or anything that promoted these HPV vaccines!
It should be noted that Gardasil is no longer available in most countries but Merck’s new Gardasil-9 (9vHPV) vaccine is still available and being promoted in certain countries. This vaccine claims to protects against nine HPV types (6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58) but again not much data is available as to whether it can really protect against cervical cancer or it can actually trigger it!
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