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Source: Aspirin And Cancer  Jun 09, 2020  4 years, 9 months, 1 day, 22 hours, 54 minutes ago

Italian Study Indicates That Aspirin Could Reduce Cancer Risk While US Researchers That Are Most Probably Controlled By Big Pharma Interests Rebuke Findings

Italian Study Indicates That Aspirin Could Reduce Cancer Risk While US Researchers That Are Most Probably Controlled By Big Pharma Interests Rebuke Findings
Source: Aspirin And Cancer  Jun 09, 2020  4 years, 9 months, 1 day, 22 hours, 54 minutes ago
Aspirin: A detailed meta-analysis by Italian researchers involving more than 113 past cancer studies indicates that by taking one or two aspirin doses a week helps ward off cancer, especially liver, stomach, pancreatic and bowel cancer. However they warned that while taking aspirin reduces the risk of cancer, it can increase the risk of ulcers and stomach bleeding and no one should ever start taking aspirin without consulting a doctor first.

The research findings of the meta-analysis of 113 cancer studies were published in the medical journal:  Annals of Oncology and the findings found a link between aspirin and digestive tract cancers, which have particularly high death rates.
The study showed that individuals who took at least one or two tablets a week had a reduction in the risk of these types of cancers of between 22 per cent and 38 per cent.
Professor Dr Carlo La Vecchia of the school of medicine at the University of Milan in Italy and leading researcher told Thailand Medical News, “These findings suggest there is  a beneficial effect of aspirin in the prevention of bowel and other cancers of the digestive tract. The results for bowel, oesophageal and pancreatic cancers are consistent with evidence from clinical trials on aspirin in the prevention of heart and blood vessel diseases.”
Dr Vecchia added, “The findings for pancreatic and other digestive tract cancers may have implications for the prevention of these highly lethal diseases. For pancreatic cancer, we found that risk of the disease declined by 25 per cent after five years among people who took aspirin regularly compared to those who did not.”
About 1 in 12 of all oncological deaths are attributable to gastric cancer. Gastric cancer has the fifth highest incidence among cancers, with 5.7% of all new cases attributable to the disease. Over a million new cases of gastric cancer are diagnosed,,year%20%5B1%2C%205%5D.
Globally, the incidence of pancreatic cancer is 5.5 per 100,000 for men and 4.0 per 100,000 for women.,100%2C000%20for%20women%20%5B1%5D.
Pancreatic cancer is also on the increase,(6.4%20per%20100%2C000%20people).while colorectal cancer is the second cause of cancer deaths in the United States.
Interestingly more than a third of ca ncer-related deaths in China are of the digestive tract, and it has the ninth highest liver cancer rate in the world. Around 368,000 people in China die from liver cancer each year, and the country has almost half of global liver cancer cases. A further 180,000 people in China die from colorectal cancer each year, and China has the fourth highest pancreatic cancer rate among men in the world.
Previous research has suggested that a low daily dose of aspirin could reduce the risk of developing colon, breast, prostate and ovarian cancer, but not reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke in healthy elderly people. The British study that recommended people age 50 to 65 take aspirin daily to protect against cancer. The research claimed taking aspirin regularly could cut bowel cancer cases by 35 per cent.
However it should be noted that taking aspirin regularly can cause gastrointestinal ulcers and stomach bleeding.
However this side effect has been recognized by the latest Italian research, and lead author Dr Cristina Bosetti said: “Our findings on bowel cancer support the concept that higher aspirin doses are associated with a larger reduction in risk of the disease. However, the choice of dose should also take into consideration the potential risk of stomach bleeds, which increases with higher aspirin doses.”
Dr Vecchia also warned, “Taking aspirin for the prevention of bowel cancer, or any other cancers, should only be done in consultation with a doctor, who can take account of the person’s individual risk. This includes factors such as sex, age, a family history of a first-degree relative with the disease, and other risk factors. People who are at high risk of the disease are most likely to gain the greatest benefits from aspirin.”
However a group of US researchers from John Hopkins are disputing the research results based on three studies done in 2018 that they claimed showed aspirin did not help in preventing any cancers. They published their disagreement via an open letter to the journal. which was replied back by the Italian researchers
The general public and American citizens should note that many medical institutions in the US are basically influenced by big Pharma companies either via direct or indirect funding. Even the US FDA and US CDC etc are all being indirectly controlled by these big pharma companies as can be seen in the ongoing COVID-19 crises in the US in which even non-medical professionals can influence the US FDA to grant use of heart-lethal drugs like chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine  (of which a big market share is controlled by pharma giant Sanofi ) or even how drugs like remdesivir (controlled by pharma giant Gilead) which has no proven efficacy against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus except for half-baked studies showing that it can reduce hospitalization periods are being approved by the US FDA and CDC to treat COVID-19 despite no safety studies ever being conducted on the drug itself.
Most of these big pharma companies are against the public using cheap generic drugs or drugs that have no patents or whose patents have expired and are also anti against the usage of nutritional or dietary supplements and have managed to buy over unethical and greedy medical doctors,researchers, media and social media platforms in the United States.
For more research about possible benefits of Aspirin, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.  


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