LATEST! WHO’s SOLIDARITY Drug Trial Shows That Remdesivir Is Not The Least Effective In Treating COVID-19!
Source: Remdesivir Oct 16, 2020 4 years, 5 months, 1 week, 5 days, 19 hours, 26 minutes ago
Remdesivir: Interim results from the Solidarity Therapeutics Trial, coordinated by the World Health Organization, indicate that remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon regimens appeared to have little or no effect on 28-day mortality or the in-hospital course of COVID-19 among hospitalized patients.
The study results of the trial are under review for publication in a medical journal and have been uploaded on a preprint server.
Described as one of the world’s biggest trials of COVID-19 therapies, the released long-awaited interim results yesterday was a letdown.
Most of all many were shocked by the disappointing announcement that even the antiviral remdesivir failed the trials.
The much touted antiviral remdesivir had the support of huge groups of billionaires such as Tom Cahill who had direct access to the Trump administration through Nick Ayers an aide of Mike Spence. Remdesivir was approved by the Trump administration’s FDA simply on basis that it shortened hospitalization stays and the Trump administration bought almost half a million doses of the drug at inflated prices of almost US$3600 for a 5 day course using tax payers monies while the same generic drug was being sold in countries like India, Bangladesh and Pakistan for less than US$17 per dose! Dr Anthony Fauci had also a role in also promoting remdesivir and its FDA EUA approval indirectly. To date it is still not known who exactly made monies from all these deals.
The EU regulatory approval are currently conducting safety studies on the drug after it emerge that COVID-19 patients were developing acute kidney injuries after using the drug.
Prior to this, the drug never had any long term safety studies done despite being approved by the Trump administration.
Many other similar stupid and corrupted governments also followed suit and approved remdesivir and bought the drug at inflated prices using tax payer monies with many now speculating that there were huge kickbacks involved.
There were also speculations that many greedy and unscrupulous researchers and research institutions including certain American universities had received monies to create manipulated studies to claim remdesivir effectiveness when interest in the drug started to wane as a result of front line doctors saying that they did not see any efficacy from the drug and the media started to question its effectiveness. Medical journals were also bought to help publish and promote these studies. Thailand Medical News will be publishing a list of names of all these researchers and institutions and their studies in a follow-up article to expose scams in the
COVID-19 era especially by American and European conglomerates and corporations supported by their mainstream media and social media platforms.
The clinical study, which spans more than 30 countries, enrolled more than 11,000 patients in 400 hospitals around the globe and looked at the effects of these treatments on overall mortality, initiation of ventilation, and duration of hospital stay in hospitalized patients. Other uses of the drugs, for example in treatment of patients in the community or for prevention, would have to be examined using different trials.
Remdesivir, which is claimed to attacks a specific enzyme in several RNA viruses and was previously tested against Ebola, was initially seen as a promising candidate.
In an American trial with more than 1000 COVID-19 patients published last week, those who received remdesivir had a shorter recovery time than patients in the control group, but there was no significant difference in mortality.
Two smaller trials interestingly claimed certain significant benefits. Remdesivir received an Emergency Use Authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Trump’s Administration in May for severe COVID-19 patients that was later expanded to include all patients.
However the new Solidarity trial results suggests the drug does little in severe cases. Of 2743 hospitalized patients who received the drug, 11.0% died, versus 11.2% in a control group of roughly the same size. The difference is so small it could have arisen by chance.
When the researchers pooled Solidarity’s data with those from the three other trials, they found a slight reduction in mortality that wasn’t statistically significant either. "This absolutely excludes the suggestion that remdesivir can prevent a substantial fraction of all deaths,“ the study team wrote "The confidence interval is comfortably compatible with prevention of a small fraction of all deaths, but is also comfortably compatible with prevention of no deaths.”
Dr Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute. Commented, “This trial doesn’t help remdesivir, that’s for sure. It's not a dead duck as much as hydroxychloroquine, but it certainly is not the hope that was initially signaled.”
Remdesivir was one of a series of drugs used to treat US President Donald Trump after he tested positive for Covid-19. ‘Dumb Trump’ even went public to say that the drugs he was given were a miracle!
This month, the EU signed an agreement with Gilead to supply up to 500,000 treatment courses of the drug for European countries including the UK with an option to increase orders.
The research progress achieved by the Solidarity Therapeutics Trial shows that large international trials are possible, even during a pandemic, and offer the promise of quickly and reliably answering critical public health questions concerning therapeutics.
The worldwide platform of the Solidarity Trial is ready to rapidly evaluate promising new treatment options, with nearly 500 hospitals open as trial sites.
Newer antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and anti-SARS COV-2 monoclonal antibodies are now being considered for evaluation.
The trial results also brings a stark reminder that there is currently no appoved drugs to treat COVID-19 which is still spreading globally.
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Remdesivir and COVID-19 scams, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.