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Nikhil Prasad  Fact checked by:Thailand Medical News Team Feb 26, 2025  8 hours, 27 minutes ago

List Of 86 of 167 Autoantibodies That COVID-19 Infections and Vaccines Induces in The Human Host. (Part1)

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List Of 86 of 167 Autoantibodies That COVID-19 Infections and Vaccines Induces in The Human Host. (Part1)
Nikhil Prasad  Fact checked by:Thailand Medical News Team Feb 26, 2025  8 hours, 27 minutes ago
Thailand Medical News has been compiling a database of the various autoantibodies that SARS-CoV-2 infections and vaccines induce in the human host. We found a total of 167 different autoantibodies that SARS-CoV-2 can induce production of in the human host. This first list is a list 86 autoantibodies that both SARS-CoV-2 infections and the current mRNA and booster vaccines can induce production of in the human body. We have another list of an additional 16 that can only be induced by the vaccines and another 59 that can be produced by the only the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We also found certain autoantibodies that are only generated by specific SARS-CoV-2 variants and lineages. The remaining list will be featured in Part 2.

List Of 86 of 167 Autoantibodies That COVID-19 Infections and Vaccines Induces in The Human Host. (Part1)

We hope that readers will appreciate and understand the various kinds of autoimmune diseases and health issues that exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 can cause.
Thailand Medical News will be creating special sections on our website soon for easy to use databases of all these autoantibodies and their reference studies. We will also be creating a section that also display all the 2873 cellular pathways, genes, proteases, cells and tissues that are disrupted, damaged or made dysfunctional by SARS-CoV-2.
A) Autoantibodies Against Cytokines and Interferons
These autoantibodies can impair antiviral responses and have been implicated in severe COVID 19.
1.Anti IFN α2
2.Anti other IFN α subtypes
3.Anti IFN ω
4.Anti GM CSF
5.Anti IL 6
6.Anti IL 10
7.Anti IL 17A
8.Anti IL 22
9.Anti IL 1α
10.Anti IL 1β
11.Anti IL 18 (reported in some cohorts)
12.Anti IL 32 (less commonly noted)
13.Anti IFN β
14.Anti IFN λ1
15.Anti IL 2
Studies showed that autoantibodies neutralizing type I interferons (IFN α and IFN ω) were associated with life threatening COVID 19.
B) Autoantibodies Against Chemokines
These reactivities may disturb chemotactic signals and immune cell trafficking.
16.Anti CCL2
17.Anti CCL3
18. Anti CCL4
19. Anti CXCL1
20. Anti CXCL7
21. Anti CXCL8 (IL 8)
22. Anti CXCL10
23.Anti CCL5 (RANTES)
24.Anti CXCL12
C. Autoantibodies Against Receptors and Immune Regulators
These autoantibodies target cell surface molecules and regulators that can modulate immune responses.
25. Anti TNFRSF1A (TNF receptor 1)
26. Anti TNFRSF1B (TNF receptor 2)
27. Anti CD200
28. Anti CD38 (reported in some studies)
29.Anti CD147 (Basigin)
30.Anti Fc&gamma ;RIIA
31.Anti FcγRIIB
D)Autoantibodies Against Complement and Coagulation Factors
These reactivities may contribute to complement dysregulation and the pro thrombotic state seen in some patients.
32. Anti C1q
33. Anti C3 (in select reports)
34. Anti C4 (in select reports)
35. Anti β2 glycoprotein I (multiple isotypes)
36. Anti cardiolipin antibodies
37. Anti phosphatidylserine/prothrombin complex antibodies
38. Anti phosphatidylserine/prothrombin complex antibodies
39. Anti thrombin
40. Anti ADAMTS13
E). Autoantibodies Against Tissue Associated and Cellular Antigens
These include antibodies typically associated with classic autoimmune diseases.
41.Anti ACE2
42. Anti annexin A2
43. Anti endothelial cell antibodies (various specificities)
44. Anti nuclear antibodies (ANAs) (with multiple patterns)
45. Anti double stranded DNA (dsDNA)
46. Anti Ro/SSA
47. Anti La/SSB
48. Anti Smith (Sm)
49. Anti U1 ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
50. Anti myositis specific antibodies (e.g., anti Jo 1)
51. Anti vimentin
52. Anti α enolase
53. Anti fibrinogen
54. Anti thrombomodulin
55. Anti protein S
56. Anti protein C
57. Anti centromere antibodies
58. Anti Scl 70 (anti topoisomerase I)
59. Anti Ku
60. Anti PM/Scl
61. Anti Ribosomal P protein
62. Anti MDA5 (melanoma differentiation associated gene 5)
63. Anti histone antibodies
64. Anti RNA polymerase III
65. Anti citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA)
66. Anti signal recognition particle (SRP)
67. Anti HMGCR (3 hydroxy 3 methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase)
68. Anti collagen type IV
69. Anti laminin
70. Anti fibronectin
71. Anti desmin
F). Autoantibodies Against Neuronal and Other Antigens
Although less common, some reports note reactivities against nervous system and structural proteins.
72. Anti myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)
73. Anti NMDA receptor (in isolated cases)
74. Anti troponin I (a cardiac tissue antigen)
75. Anti desmoglein (skin antigen, occasionally reported)
76. Anti collagen (various types, e.g., collagen V)
77. Anti elastin (in select reports)
78. Anti heat shock proteins (e.g., HSP60, HSP70)
79. Anti GAD65
80. Anti amphiphysin
81. Anti neuronal nuclear antibody type 1 (ANNA 1, anti Hu)
82. Anti voltage gated calcium channel (P/Q type)
83. Anti voltage gated calcium channel (N type)
84. Anti GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein)
G)Endocrine Autoantibodies
85. Anti thyroperoxidase (TPO)
86. Anti thyroglobulin
Note: Although less frequently reported, thyroid autoimmunity post COVID has been noted in some cohorts.
The above list of 86 autoantibodies of the 167 that we have identified reflects findings from several key studies in the field. As research into COVID 19 immunopathology continues, additional specificities and nuances are emerging.
We strongly believe that they are more than 167 autoantibodies but these are 167 are based on published peer reviewed studies. We will be listing another 318 autoantibodies that we suspect are also being produced based on case report, clinical reports and non-peer-reviewed studies that warrants additional research and will published them in part three.
Clinical Implications:
Some of these autoantibodies (for example, those neutralizing interferons or targeting phospholipids) have been linked to more severe disease, while others may be transient. A better understanding of these responses may help clarify the heterogeneous clinical outcomes seen in COVID 19.
Study References:
For more on SARS-CoV-2 induced autoantibodies, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.
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