Molnupiravir - What's Wrong With America? Why Is the American Government And Agencies Funding And Pushing Potentially Toxic Drugs To Treat COVID-19?
Source: COVID-19 Exposé Sep 24, 2021 3 years, 6 months, 6 days, 13 hours, 32 minutes ago
COVID-19 Exposé : First it was the Trump Administration along with the U.S.NIH or to be specific the NIAID headed by Anthony Fauci that poured millions of dollars in to the development and research of the overpriced drug remdesivir that is not only hepatoxic but also nephrotoxic to treat COVID-19. There are tons of studies that confirm its toxicity issues, these are just a few.
Some studies even showed that it was cardiotoxic and also could cause dangerous drug interactions.
The WHO Solidarity Drug Trial in December 2020 confirmed that the drug had no efficacy against the COVID-10 disease but yet the US FDA approved it and the US Government then and now continues to buy it at inflated prices of thousands per dollars per dose using tax payers monies while in India, generic versions of it only costs less than 20 US dollars!,-lopinavir-and-interferon-have-no-effect-on-covid-
Many physicians with brains stay away from the drug. But the people behind the drug are still paying unethical researchers to show manipulated study findings showing that it can be used in combination with other drugs or even supplements that apparently boost its efficacy against the SARS-CoV-2 virus!
And now we have the US Government under the Biden Admnistrtion and the U.S. NAID again pushing yet another potentially toxic mutagenic drug called Molnupiravir.
In June 2021, the Biden administration announced it had agreed to obtain about 1.7 million treatment courses of Merck's molnupiravir, at a cost of $1.2 billion, if the product receives emergency authorization or full approval. The same month, the administration said it would invest $3.2 billion in the Antiviral Program for Pandemics, which aims to develop antivirals for the COVID crisis and beyond, said Carl Dieffenbach, director of the Division of AIDS at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who is overseeing antiviral development. Most of these money is now being channeled for molnupiravir research!
In fact the U.S. Government and NAIAD had already pumped millions of tax payers monies into the research involving Molnupiravir prior to even these new budgets being announced.
Molnupiravir is being touted by those with a vested interest as an oral drug that could treat COVID-19. It earlier name was EIDD-2801 and the history of its development and those involved directly or indirectly are simply shocking and interesting as many names involved with the coronavirus research and gain of function studies were also involved!
The drug is being claimed to be able to work by interfering with the virus's ability to replicate in human cells. In the case of molnupiravir, the enzyme that copies the viral genetic material is forced to make so many mistakes that the virus can't reproduce. That, in turn, reduces the patient's viral load, shortening infection time and preventing the kind of dangerous immune response that can cause serious illness or death.
However, there is also a very high possiblity that the way the drug works by causing genetic mistakes during replication can also cause a variety of mutations or even aid the virus to create more mutations that could lead to more worrying variants and sub-lineages.
Also concerns are being raised as to whether
molnupiravir could be metabolized into a precursor of DNA and as to whether it could enter the host cell nucleus, leading to oncogenesis and also induce mitochondrial toxicity.
In April 2020, a whistleblower complaint by former Head of US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) Rick Bright revealed concerns over providing funding for the further development of molnupiravir due to similar drugs having mutagenic (DNA damaging) properties.
A previous company, Pharmasset, that had investigated the drug's active ingredient and because of toxicity issues, had abandoned it. Rumour has yet that in order to keep the mouth of executives at Pharmasset shut about what they knew about molnupiravir and other drugs, the company was bought at an inflated price.
All these claims were denied by George Painter, CEO of DRIVE, noting that toxicity studies on molnupiravir had been carried out and data provided to regulators in the US and UK, who permitted safety studies in humans to move forward in the spring of 2020. Also at this time, DRIVE and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics stated they planned future safety studies in animals.
On May 5, 2020, Bright filed a whistleblower complaint ("Complaint of Prohibited Personnel Practice and Other Prohibited Activity") against the HHS in the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, an independent agency that protects whistleblowers. The complaint included accompanying exhibits, only some of which have become public.
Bright suggested that the administration prioritized "cronyism over science" and that he had been pressured to let politics drive decisions rather than science.
In his complaint, Bright also noted the dangers in pursuing EIDD-2801, an oral antiviral candidate previously supported by NIAID led by Dr Anthony Fauci and DOD.
Surprisingly later in May, pharmaceutical giant Merck announced plans to develop the drug.
The initial drug trials involving molnupiravir were not promising.
But with so much money at stake and researchers who can be bought and study data manipulated and medical journals, media, fact checkers and government officials who will willing to rim the right individuals due to high payments they can receive, it is disgusting that Molnupiravir is most likely to soon be approved by the US FDA under the Biden administration with an EUA status. It should be noted that Biden’s election campaign was funded by monies from big pharma.
I really hope that more real investigative journalists, Dr Peter Doshi and the rest of the team at the BMJ (British Medical Journal) whom I truly respect, various investigative American media and ethical scientists and researchers would look more deeply into molnupiravir and publish whatever they have to the public as something is really a miss here. The drug is truly mutagenic and what implications it has on the human cells are being side lined and its safety studies need to be inspected in detail.
Meanwhile it is truly confusing as there are many cheaper generic already approved drugs that are showing efficacy to treat COVID-19 and could be easily repurposed, but the US.NIH and the Biden administration are not willing to pursue them and worst are even trying to “sweep them under the carpet.”
It is even worse when herbs and phytochemicals or supplements are brought into the picture as they are all considered a taboo despite some showing extremely high potency and efficacy to inhibit the novel coronavirus and to treat the various conditions involved with the COVID-19 disease. (We are talking about compounds that have exhibited their efficacy both in observational and randomized clinical trials with published finds in credible and peer reviewed medical journals.)
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