More Great News! SARS-CoV-2 Is Only A Few Mutations Away From Being Pan-Resistant To All Known Current Antibodies!
Source: Omicron Pan-Resistance Jan 01, 2022 3 years, 2 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 18 hours, 38 minutes ago
Its amazing that in this 21
st century with the latest high-tech and the arsenal of resources we have, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned out of be one of the worst managed health crises in the world’s history!
To date, official figures show that more than 288.5 million people globally have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and more than 5.45 million people have died from the COVID-19 disease. In reality, it is speculated that the figures are about 7-fold higher and if one was to also take into considerations the excess deaths due to COVID-19, the mortality figures could be far higher.
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It is already expected that on a conservative level, despite the Omicron variant being claimed as mild variant and also taking into account the Delta subvariants that are sporadically still causing issues around the world, another 4.1 million people will die in 2022 due to COVID-19.
But should newer recombined, reassortant or recombined zoonotic variants emerge in 2022 of which the probability is very high and actually much anticipated, the mortality figures are expected to be higher.
I personally blame the ‘apes’, ‘rats’ and ‘cockroaches’ that we allowed to possess equal rights and gave them a chance to rise to power who are causing this problem. (Those who are acquainted with my past rantings and satire will know the key people that I am talking about.)
The stupid extreme focus on antibody based therapeutics spanning from convalescent plasma, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, to inoculations from the beginning of the pandemic due to influence from the greedy big pharma and certain unethical tech billionaires who are controlling the politicians, regulatory agencies, researchers, research institutions, medical journals and the media has lead us to where we are today….dealing with a new SARS-CoV-2 variant that is almost completely immune evasive.
Even then the big pharma and experts are not leaning their lessons and are now still using the last monoclonal antibody that works against the Omicron variant ie sotrovimab. It’s only a matter of a short time before the Omicron variant evolves to develop mutations that can also escape it! The focus on booster shots and even 4th shots will eventually backfire too.
A new study by researchers from Columbia University has shown that the Omicron variant manifest striking antibody evasion properties.
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The omicron variant which is to become globally dominant due to enhanced transmissibility possess a striking feature of the large number of spike mutations that pose a threat to the efficacy of current COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) vaccines and antibody therapies.
This concern is amplified by the findings from this new study.
The study team found B.1.1.529 to be markedly resistant to neutralization by serum not only from convalescent patients, but also from individuals vaccinated with one of the four widely used COVID-19 vaccines. Even serum from persons vaccinated and boosted with mRNA-based vaccines exhibited substantially diminished neutralizing activity against B.1.1.529.
By evaluating a panel of monoclonal antibodies to all known epitope clusters on the spike protein, the study team noted that the activity of 17 of the 19 antibodies tested were either abolished or impaired, including ones currently authorized or approved for use in patients.
Alarmingly the study team also identified four new spike mutations (S371L, N440K, G446S, and Q493R) that confer greater antibody resistance to B.1.1.529. The Omicron variant presents a serious threat to many existing COVID-19 vaccines and antibody therapies, compelling the development of new interventions that anticipate the evolutionary trajectory of SARS-CoV-2.
The study teams warn that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is only mutation or two away from becoming pan-resistant to all known antibodies be it monoclonal or polyclonal!
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The study findings were published in the peer review journal: Research Briefings by Nature.
It should also be noted that such a variant that is totally pan-resistant to all antibodies might not necessary take a long time to emerge as already we have data showing that the Omicron itself is still evolving rapidly and mutating.
The current focus on the usage of sotrovimab, convalescent plasma (Some stupid countries are still using it!) and the booster shots and 4
th shots strategies should help accelerate its debut even earlier than thought.
We are left with T-cell mediated immunity which is also expected to be short-lived as the smart and ever evolving SARS-COV-2 coronavirus is going to evolve and find a way around that too. (The creators of the virus conceived a bioweapon that will adapt and get around obstacles…the Democrat controlled U.S. National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR) and Fauci should be very proud of their efforts, its just unfortunate that they lost control of the plot!)
As far as the strategy of using the new oral antiviral pills ie Merck’s Molnupiravir and Pfizer’s Paxlovid, we expect that only in a less than three months we will be the alarming issues arising with the former and resistance developing with the latter.
We are really heading into unchartered waters, in the United States and Europe, Omicron and Delta subvariants are driving exponential infections and even newer variants have been found in Europe.
In coming weeks, the situation will really be of dire in the United States, Europe, Australia, India and even countries like Thailand, Vietnam etc.
It can be seen that the Biden administration and the U.S. CDC are basically becoming clueless and in a desperate position as to how to control the situation and the same can be said in UK and the rest of Europe.
To be honest, we have come to a point of no return and nothing is going to help anymore including lockdowns, mandates or even certain safety measures we were using in the beginning of the pandemic. We have to thank these ‘apes’, ‘rats’ and ‘cockroaches’ for all the mess that we are in.
The answers and solutions to controlling the pandemic will only depend on proper prophylactics and a combination of antiviral therapeutics. These are all out there and available cheaply if economies of scale are applied but its only whether the greedy elites controlling the COVID-19 narratives are willing to give in and walk away and let what’s need to be done be implemented. (I am not talking about Invermectin, Hydroxycholoroquine or even about Fluvoxamine, they are all scams that do not work against the new variants!)
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