Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome: At Least 285 Children In U.S. And More Than 1,000 Globally Hit By This COVID-19 Linked Pediatric Illness And Figures Are Increasing
Source: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Jun 30, 2020 4 years, 8 months, 1 week, 2 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes ago
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome: Till May 2020, at least 285 children in America alone have developed a serious inflammatory condition linked to the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus and while most recovered, the potential for long-term or permanent damage is unknown, two new studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggest. These are the most detailed reports yet on the condition. and
Also worrisome is that more new cases have been reported in the month of June and the trend seems to be increasing globally.
The condition is known as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. It is considered uncommon and deaths are rare; six children died among the 285 in the new studies.
The journal editorial said that including cases in Europe, where it was first reported, more than 1,000 children worldwide have been affected.
The US CDC case definition includes current or recent COVID-19 infection or exposure to the virus; a fever of at least 100.4 Fahrenheit for at least 24 hours; severe illness requiring hospitalization; inflammatory markers in blood tests, and evidence of problems affecting at least two organs that could include the heart, kidneys, lungs, skin or other nervous system.
It was also said that digestive symptoms including nausea and diarrhea are common. Some children may have symptoms resembling Kawasaki disease, a rare condition in children that can cause swelling and heart problems.
So far at least 35 states in the United States have had cases, and they seem to crop up a few weeks after local COVID-19 activity peaks, said Dr Adrienne Randolph of Boston Children's Hospital. She is a lead researcher for a multistate study that includes CDC scientists. The second paper involved 99 children in New York state, where the first U.S. cases occurred.
Altogether both papers show 285 cases from March thru mid to late May but Dr Randolph said additional U.S. children have been diagnosed in June and the trend seems to be increasing.
It was observed that most had current or recent COVID-19 infections but had previously been healthy.
Disturbingly, about 80% of children in the multistate study had heart-related problems, which included coronary aneurysms ie a bulge in a heart artery that can be fatal.
Dr Randolph added, "Those need to be followed up. This is a life-threatening concern for a lot of patients.''
Also observed was the fact that most affected children had no other health condition but about 30% were obese. The condition also appears to disproportionately affect Latino and Black children and boys. The average age was 8 years old.
The researchers do not however know if adults can be affected by this condition.
For more on the COVID-19 pediatric condition known as
yle="font-size:16px">Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.
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