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MUST READ! Australia Demands For Independent Review Of COVID-19 Management And WHO's Crisis-Response
Source: COVID-19 World News Apr 19, 2020 4 years, 10 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 3 hours, 31 minutes ago
COVID-19 World News: The Australian government on today (19th April) called for an independent investigation into the global response to the coronavirus pandemic, including the WHO or World Health Organization’s handling of the crisis.
Marise Payne, the Australian Foreign Minister said the country would "insist" on a review that would probe, in part, China's early response to the outbreak in Wuhan, the city where Covid-19 emerged late last year.
She added, "We need to know the sorts of details that an independent review would identify for us about the genesis of the virus, about the approaches to dealing with it (and) addressing the openness with which information was shared."
The Australian foreign minister said the country shared similar concerns to the United States, whose President Donald Trump has accused the WHO of "mismanaging" the crisis and covering up the seriousness of China's outbreak before it spread.
US President Mr Trump has also announced that Washington will halt payments to the UN body that amounted to US$400 (S$569) million last year.
Ms Payne added, "I'm not sure that you can have the health organization which has been responsible for disseminating much of the international communications material, and doing much of the early engagement and investigative work, also as the review mechanism. That strikes me as a bit poacher-and-gamekeeper."
She believed the fallout from the pandemic was set to change the relationship between Australia and China "in some ways", with her concern around Beijing's transparency now "at a very high point".
Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt backed the call for an independent review, saying Australia had achieved success in limiting the spread of the virus in part by going against WHO advice.
To date, Australia which has recorded 6,600 coronavirus cases and 70 deaths linked to Covid-19 was one of the first countries to impose a ban on travel from China.
Mr Hunt added, "Australia has been able to have, by global standards, just a profoundly important and successful human outcome, but we have done that by following the course that our medical experts here in Australia set out.”
He added, "We do know there was very considerable criticism when we imposed on the 1st of February the China ban from some of the officials and the WHO in Geneva."
The Australian Health minister further added, although the WHO had "done well" in fighting diseases like polio, measles and malaria, its coronavirus response "didn't help the world".
He added, "We have done well because we made our own decisions as a country"
Australia In recent weeks has seen the rate of new cases slow dramatically, leading health authorities to declare the country has "flattened the curve".
However tough restrictions on movement and gatherings are set to remain in place for at least the next month as of
ficials attempt to keep the virus spread under control.
Further Comments From Thailand Medical News:
Australia joins The US and also other respectable countries like Japan, India and Taiwan that has criticized China in its handling of the outbreak and also WHO and its team of so called ‘medical experts’ for total incompetence in handling the spread of the virus globally.
WHO lead by an Ethiopian national and its bunch of so called team of 'medical professionals' has been from day one only praising China., suppressing critical information, asking countries not to close borders or travel bans.
Strangely WHO has been getting financial support from many European countries that have been donating money to its course with a lot of the budgets being spent on advertising and developing platforms with social media channels and search engines to disseminate fake news and misinformation!
The taxpayers in these same European countries that are worst affected by the COVID-19 crisis and should petition to have government officials or ministers involved in donating to the WHO removed from office.
We ask all people to boycott all WHO websites and notices on social media platforms and search engines and to create more online petitions for the removal of all their staff and teams and to investigate the monies spent on advertising and using social media platforms and search engines to disseminate fake news and misinformation. ( we have documented proof which we will be featuring in another article and also TV news segment). Also please petition all these social media platforms and search engines to remove WHO's notices. Remeber that WHO is basically financed by tax payers monies from various countries.
As of Sunday night (Bangkok 1900 hrs, 19th April), the number of COVID-19 infected individuals globally are about almost 2,350,000 and the number death about 161,500. The numbers are expected to rise exponentially over the next few weeks. Billions are suffering worldwide because of WHO’s incompetence.
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