New Silent Surge Of COVID-19 Cases Involving SARS-CoV-2 Sub-Lineage KP.2 (JN. Starting In India Just Before The Holi Holidays!
Nikhil Prasad Fact checked by:Thailand Medical News Team Mar 15, 2024 1 year, 1 week, 4 days, 11 hours, 1 minute ago
COVID-19 News: Waste water monitoring in certain cities in India including Bangalore are indicating a rise in COVID-19 infections while reports are emerging in various cities and villages in certain Northern states including Jodhpur in Rajasthan showing a rise of COVID-19 infections and pneumonia cases.
New Silent Surge Of COVID-19 Cases Involving SARS-CoV-2
Sub-Lineage KP.2 (JN. Starting In India
Pic Credit: Cartoon Times- Avinash
While India is submitting very little genomic sequences of tested positive COVID-19 individuals to GISAID…a global sharing platform, the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Consortium or INSACOG maintains a very detailed database of all genomic sequences that are conducted in the country.
The Indian government however is determined to not release too much data on the actual COVID-19 situation in India due to its enemies such as China, Pakistan and certain Western nations that are under the direct control of the WEF trying to cause disturbances to its economic, political and security issues. With India in an election year, the hopeless and filthy opposition lead by the Congress party that has ties with the WEF and also certain western powers that are trying to find ways to topple the Modi government that has managed to put India into the right track for economic growth in the last few years, it is expected that many filthy elements are trying to find fault with the Modi government.
The current India has every right to withhold any data to the COVID-19 situation and Indians have to be united to fight the COVID-19 scrouge that is not going away anytime soon be it in India or any other country in the world.
Sources in INSACOG revealed to us on conditions of anonymity that yes, India could be witnessing a new surge driven by the new KP.2 variant. This KP.2 variant is an offspring of the JN.1.11.1 ie JN. and spots the spikes mutati
on R346T which makes even more transmissible.
(note details on this platform, are not updated as the individuals behind it are either busy on twitter trying to get fame, or busy with media interviews with Fortune Well or busy criticizing Thailand
Medical News on twitter!)
COVID-19 and genomic surveillance at various international airports around the world are showing a rise of Indian passengers with COVID-19 and most carrying the new KP.2 variant or the previous JN.1.11 variant. (Data from March 1 to March 10
th at airports in United Kingdom, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.)
The debut of the original JN.1.11 variant was reported by Thailand Medical News in a
COVID-19 News report in early January 2024.
However, readers should not be alarmed as the JN.1 variants have been spawning thousands of newer sub-lineages with various mutations as it seems to have an even higher evolutionary rate and to date a few hundred JN.1 sub-lineages that have the right viral fitness and growth potential have been designated.
A few are listed here:
Even the JN.1.11 variant has spawned numerous sub-lineages since including the current KP.2 sub-lineage.
Many of these newer sub-lineages just like the KP.2 variant, are more immune evasive and are more transmissible and in some cases, some cannot be detected by the current ATK test kits or even the PCR test unless the testing reagents are adjusted.
The good news is that most of all these new sub-lineages do not cause disease severity during the acute infection stages as they are evolving rather for viral persistence and are apt at disarming the host immune responses! Except for those in the vulnerable groups. (ie the aged, those with existing comorbidities, the obese, those that are immunocompromised, those with certain genetic makeups and also those that have been infected a few times in the past) that are still vulnerable for disease severity, the majority will not feel the impact during the initial infection phase.
However, viral persistence can lead to a variety of health issues and even possible fatal outcomes later but the good news is that such deaths will not be attributed to COVID-19 and hence governments around the world can continue to conceal the real threats of COVID-19 and promote the useless mRNA vaccines while continuing to assist the WEF’s agenda of depopulating the world!
The rise in various types of pneumonia cases in India and elsewhere should not be a cause of alarm, some are mycoplasma pneumonia infections caused by a bacteria and some are fungal based pneumonia…all of which are simply secondary opportunistic infections arising after infection with the newer JN.1 variants that cause immune dysregulation and even immunodeficiencies that leads to the rise of such opportunistic infections.
Indians in India instead of panicking, should learn to realize that COVId-19 is not going away and that they need to take their own preventive measures including masking, clean air strategies and social distancing. Those in the vulnerable groups need to take care of themselves and isolate when necessary. Above all, India is rich with a variety of herbal and phytochemicals products and locals should educate themselves and do due diligence to find ways to strengthen their immune systems in the right way and to use natural compounds as possible prophylactics. (There are tons of peer reviewed published studies online.)
With the coming Holi festivities and holidays coming in a weeks’ time in India, locals should take more precautions. A surge in COVID-19 cases is inevitable but there is no point making too much noise about it or blaming the local governments, rather people should be taking their own preventive actions.
The rise of COVID-19 cases in India does not warrant any panic as similar situations are currently occurring in various geolocations and countries around the world with the exception that some of these governments are even better at concealing the situation.
In reality, we are living in an era where SARS-CoV-2 is hyperendemic and we just have to understand the new normal where reinfections are the new norm and many will eventually die or suffer slowly! We have nothing in the arsenal to combat the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the Western conceived toxic vaccines are not going to help in anyway.
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