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Source: U.S. Medical News  Jan 19, 2022  3 years, 2 months, 1 week, 4 days, 8 hours, 54 minutes ago

Pennsylvania State University Modelling Predicts That U.S. Will Face More Omicron Deaths In Coming Weeks!

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Pennsylvania State University Modelling Predicts That U.S. Will Face More Omicron Deaths In Coming Weeks!
Source: U.S. Medical News  Jan 19, 2022  3 years, 2 months, 1 week, 4 days, 8 hours, 54 minutes ago
U.S. Medical News: Despite all the fallacies and fake news being propagated that the Omicron is mild or that the vaccines are working or that SARS-CoV-2 will becoming endemic or the Omicron surge is peaking in the U.S. etc ,data from the Ist of December 2021 when the first case of Omicron in America was officially reported to 18th January 2022 is showing that America has registered a total of 69,810 new COVID-19 deaths! Globally, the total deaths for the same period was 330,863!

The figures are indicating that Thailand Medical News conservative predictions on 2022 COVID-19 death rates in the best possible scenario are on course.
Those controlling the COVID-19 narratives have conveniently deleted vast amounts of genomic sequencing data and even closed down a few websites reporting on mutation and variant emergences around the world so that the masses will not really be aware of what is going on.
New SARS-CoV-2 variants and also newer more concerning Delta sub-variants have been emerging in the last 8 weeks and spreading though in small numbers in specific geolocations around the world.
What the masses are not being told is that most of these new variants and subvariants are exhibiting enhanced ADE manifestations in those that have been fully vaccinated and are leading to increased disease severity and deaths!
The B.1.640.2 and other newer subvariants spawned by the B.1,640 lineage in Southern France and other parts of Europe, an even newer Delta AY.57 sub- subvariant spotting new mutations in Vietnam, a newer sub-subvariant of the Delta AY.122.3 in Denmark and yet another newer Delta-subvariant that has been spotted in Brazil are all exhibiting ADE manifestations in the fully vaccinated but the powers that be do not want anyone to know about these. The same goes for newer Omicron sub-lineages that have emerged, we are not even talking about the B.1, B.2 or B.3 sub-lineages but rather about 2 more concerning sub-lineages of the more than 17 new sub-lineages identified! Forget about platforms like Nextstrain, GISAID or Cov-lineages as a lot of the data there is now controlled and some of the key well known virologists that have been on the genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 mutations and variants have now all been bought by those controlling the COVID-19 narratives. One female expert based in Switzerland is now busy as she was awarded a grant of more than US$1.8 million and is refusing to make any comments about the emerging Delta sub-variants. We do expect that fact checkers being paid by those controlling the COVID-19 narratives should come out soon to dishonestly dispute us.
Vietnam will bear testimony that the Omicron is not displacing the Delta-subvariants rather new Delta sub-variants have e merged to compete with the Omicron but no one is talking about it!
By late March 2022 or early April 2022, expect to see new surges with these newer variants and sub-variants playing a key role!
Reverting back to U.S. Medical News, despite fallacies that the fast-spreading omicron variant may cause less severe disease on average, COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. are climbing and modelers forecast 50,000 to 300,000 more Americans could die by the time the wave subsides in mid-March.
So far, the seven-day rolling average for daily new COVID-19 deaths in America has been trending upward since mid-November, reaching nearly 1,700 on Jan. 17 but still below the peak of 3,300 in January 2021.
Sadly, COVID-19 deaths among nursing home residents started rising slightly two weeks ago, although still at a rate 10 times less than last year before most residents were vaccinated.
The unprecedented level of SARS-CoV-2 infections spreading throughout the United States, with cases still soaring in many states, means many vulnerable individuals will become severely sick. If the higher end of projections comes to pass, that would push total U.S. deaths from COVID-19 over 1 million by early spring!
Epidemiologist Dr Jason Salemi from the University of South Florida told media, "A lot of humans are still going to die because of how transmissible omicron has been. It unfortunately is going to get worse before it gets better."

Undertakers, funeral homes and morgues are starting to run out of space in many counties across the United States.
Unfortunately, the notion that a generally less severe variant could still take the lives of thousands of humans has been difficult for health experts to convey.
Troublingly the mathematics of it…that a small percentage of a very high number of infections can yield a very high number of deaths is difficult for many to visualize.
Dr Katriona Shea of Pennsylvania State University, who co-leads a team that pulls together several pandemic models and shares the combined projections with the White House told media, "Overall, you're going to see more sick people even if you as an individual have a lower chance of being sick."
Alarmingly, the wave of deaths heading for the United States will crest in late January or early February, Dr Shea said.
It is projected that in early February, weekly deaths could equal or exceed the delta peak, and possibly even surpass the previous U.S. peak in deaths last year.
However, a percentage of these deaths are among people infected with the delta subvariants, but experts say omicron is also claiming lives.
Dr Shea said of the coming wave of deaths, "This is omicron driven." The combined models project 1.5 million Americans will be hospitalized and 191,000 will die from mid-December through mid-March. Taking into account the uncertainty in the models, U.S. deaths during the omicron wave could range from 58,000 to 305,000.
Furthermore, overburdened hospitals could also contribute to more deaths, said Dr Marc Lipsitch of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and scientific director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's forecasting center.
He said, "In places with extremely short staffing and overloads of patients, as the medical professionals have been telling us, the quality of care begins to suffer. That may also lead to higher death rates, but that's not in any of the models that I'm aware of."
Thailand Medical News is however warning that readers and those interested should pay careful attention to the excess death rates in America and also elsewhere like South Africa, UK, Germany, France etc as the real scenario of the pandemic is not being disclosed due to interventions by those controlling the COVID-19 narratives. Excess death rates in some of these countries have shot up exponentially high since the debut of both Delta and also Omicron and there is a concerted effort to not label a lot of deaths as being due to SARS-CoV-2!
To date, the total number of Americans that have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is 68,767,004 out of a population of 334,003,590! A total of 877,240 Americans have died from COVID-19 so far!
It is estimated that of the total 3.4 million non-COVID deaths in America in 2021, about 15.2 percent of those could be excess deaths related to COVID-19!
For the latest U.S. Medical News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.
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