Post-COVID Fatigue: Irish Study Claims 44-70 Percent Of Recovered COVID-19 Patients Will Suffer From Severe Fatigue Irrespective Of Disease Severity
Source: Post-COVID Fatigue Aug 03, 2020 4 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 14 hours, 20 minutes ago
Post-COVID Fatigue: Irish researchers from St James’s Hospital-Dublin and Trinity Translational Medicine Institute at Trinity College Dublin based on a new research, claim that between 44 to 70 percent of recovered COVID-19 patients experience severe fatigue irrespective of COVID-19 disease severity.
The research findings are published on a preprint server and have yet to be peer reviewed.
It has been known that patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection often complain of fatigue, but now the Irish study shows that it also causes severe and frequent fatigue in those who recover after mild illness too.
The research reports a startling prevalence of fatigue in individuals who recovered from acute COVID-19 illness, even when they had only a mild illness.
Severe fatigue (as against Chronic Fatigue) is the presenting symptom in many patients with COVID-19, ranging from 44% to 70% of cases. The extent and duration of this symptom remain an unknown area, mainly whether it represents a
post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
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A previous report dealing with the long-term sequelae of the earlier severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak reports that patients had long-term fatigue, muscle aches, weakness, and depression even at one year from acute infection, severe enough to hinder their return to work. Another study reported fatigue in patients assessed at 40 months from infection in over 40%. Similar findings were reported after the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) at six months or more.
Similar results are seen with other viral infections too, including Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Q-Fever, and Ross River Virus (RRV) infections. Many earlier studies have described these post-viral fatigue syndromes, especially regarding the immune changes.
The signature immunological changes seen in COVID-19 are well recognized, including lymphopenia, leukocytosis, and a higher proportion of neutrophils to lymphocytes. Severe COVID-19 is marked by higher levels of C-reactive protein, ferritin, and D-dimers (markers of tissue damage and coagulation dysregulation), and IL-6, among other inflammatory cytokines. Intermediate monocytes, a class of monocytes that is found in infection and inflammation, are also increased.
The study team aimed at a prospective evaluation of patients who had COVID-19 and then recovered, to detect chronic fatigue symptoms after recovery. The researchers wanted to avoid multiple etiologies for the fatigue by using a single infection as the population characteristics, to allow greater accuracy of the syndrome description. The link, if any, between the fatigue and any particular characteristic of the
infection, was sought, as also the uncovering of any persistent disease markers after the resolution of infection.
The research included 128 patients with a mean age of 50 years, of whom about 56% were hospitalized with COVID-19, and the rest were outpatients. Over half were healthcare workers, as is characteristic of Irish COVID-19 outbreaks. The median duration from discharge from hospital or diagnosis of outpatients to testing during the study was 72 days, at which point only 2 of 5 patients said they felt fully recovered. Of the 82% who were employed before the illness, about a third was still not back at work at the time of the study.
The study team used the Chalder Fatigue Scale (CFQ-11), along with clinical characteristics and blood tests, to arrive at their conclusions. The mean fatigue score was ~16, with the score for physical fatigue and psychological fatigue being 11 and ~5, respectively. Over half the patients were diagnosed with fatigue based on this score, and in this group, the mean score was 20.
The study showed that at ten weeks from infection (median 72 days), over half of the patients who had COVID-19 continue to experience severe fatigue. In other words, these patients who have been medically certified as fully recovered fail to experience good health.
As a result of such fatigue, daily functioning is impaired, and over a third do not return to work even by 10 weeks. This goes against the recommendation that following a viral infection, the patient should return to work four weeks later to prevent loss of conditioning. Again, given the high percentage of healthcare workers affected, this kind of employee attrition will significantly hit healthcare systems.
Another observation is that post-COVID-19 fatigue is much more frequent than that reported after the infections mentioned above but at a level comparable to that of post-SARS fatigue. However, the levels of fatigue in this cohort, though more significant than the fatigue levels in the general population, and meeting the CFQ-11 criteria for fatigue, were lower than required for a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. The CFQ-11 scores were comparable to those found in patients diagnosed with CFS.
Significantly Such levels are more typical of those seen in chronic disease states, and this is a concerning observation since most of these patients were not, in fact, actively infected at the time of testing, nor did they have severe disease. This is a surprising finding, and the researchers comment, “
Our findings would suggest that all patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 will require screening for fatigue.”
Interestingly, females seem to be at higher risk for the development of fatigue following COVID-19, as is the case with previous CFS studies. Patients with pre-existing depression and on anti-depressants are also at higher risk of severe fatigue. However, further research is needed to find out if depression develops after fatigue sets in post-COVID and to trace the course of fatigue over time.
Also of importance, there was no relationship between the values recorded in six inflammatory/cell death parameters and the occurrence of fatigue or the total CFQ-11 score. In the same way, IL-6 levels were independent of fatigue diagnosis or the total score. On the other hand, over 85% of the study subjects had normal CRP and IL-6 levels. Another inflammatory cytokine, soluble CD25, was normal in 94% of cases.
This significantly indicates that the development of fatigue is not apparently the result of any specifically inflammatory pattern, as none was found in the test results.
In past studies, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been linked to a lot of different alterations in inflammatory markers and the populations of various immune cell types. Still, none have been found to remain constant across many studies.
The study team ruled out obvious associations of specific disease conditions with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS instead saying, “CFS may be the endpoint of a variety of distinct pathways, or maybe the consequence of pathological changes that are no longer systemically detectable.”
Significantly this declaration means that immunomodulation is not a valid strategy in treating these conditions.
The research team instead says that non-pharmacological interventions are favored to counter the multiple factors, including depression, that are involved in its etiology. Such interventions include graduated physical exercise and cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as implementing suggestions from occupational health experts.
This short period between the diagnosis/discharge and the study is a significant limitation since other studies on fatigue take place six months or more after the viral illness, which is supposed to have precipitated it.
The study team recommends that follow-up studies be done to examine the health of patients over time, in larger groups, and using multidisciplinary modes of treatment to identify the most effective therapies.
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Post-COVID Fatigue, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.
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