Source: Medical News Dec 01, 2021 3 years, 3 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 2 hours, 13 minutes ago
Yes, despite becoming a brandname in the medical and research news sector and despite having tons of readers we are unfortunately based in a third world country where corruption and nepotism is prevalent. Unlike in the West where medical sites get fundings via government grants or support from the local medical and research industry, here the local medical and research industry is only full of greedy individuals who are selfish and ignorant. The private sector is full of stupid but arrogant locals while the civil sector is also full of corrupted individuals who literally know nothing.
The rich locals will only support such causes if only they can control you, gain from it personally and they are extremely judgmental and place themselves on some kind of pedestal.
The majority of the common locals do not have the intellectual capacity to read such medical materials as they are only into porn, stupid celebrity gossips or into shit Korean music or dramas and are much more concerned with garbage holding titles etc.
Most of readers are basically Westerners but unfortunately most are ‘cheap charlies’ who think that medical news should be free.
We do not generate much revenue from our site despite having a high readership as the Indian bastards working in some of the American social media and search engines will keep on screwing you to ensure that you do not generate any revenues and also the American and British tech giants will always only support their own Western media spewing out distorted or censored news and are under the directions of those controlling the COVID-19 narratives.
In the last three years we tried so many ways to sustain our site operations and also research and community initiatives but with no success. We have like only one or two readers who donate like US$10 per month sometimes. (But we are truly grateful to these kind hearts). In 2020, we had a Thai group who was kind to help out with our hosting charges. We also had a very kind and generous group of Thais who helped some of our community-based drug repurposing and herbal tea therapeutics projects in the past. But no other support from any others.
The site can be a huge money generator for those with funds to inject into enhancing its operations as medical sites are worth a lot ie one medical news site after 12 years was sold for almost 0.6 billion US Dollars!
We are offering Thailand Medical news that is now a well-known international brand for only US$340,000.
We are unable to run the operations as we have no funders and its literally a one man show.
We can help whoever acquires it for one year to help them with access to researchers, medical and research institutions etc.
We also now believe that research data should not be available for free to the general public and we would rather have some of this data concealed rather then to write about them. We also have discovered a lot of new phytochemicals, herbs and existing drugs that can be repurposed to act as prophylactics and therapeutics against the new emerging variants but will no longer be publishing such data for free for the public as we also came across certain European, American and Indian companies using this data for free for their own commercial aspects. Rather we are starting a new COVID-19 Survivors club that cost US$120,000 or two bitcoins per person. (We only want to focus on a handful of clients who can pay.)
e truly apologize to those who cannot afford but hope you do understand our position as we find that people can afford to pay for porno, alcohol drinks, cigarettes, recreational drugs etc but not for medical research nor news.
For the poor, our advice to you is to start finding ways to eradicate the rich and their kin through whatever means, that is the only way to end the disparity in the world!
For those interested in the site and also our many other sites and domain names, do not hesitate to contact us.
We also pray that the COVID19 crisis escalates as truly we hope that all those who have been unjust to us by bullying us simply perish along with their loved ones especially the big American and British techies and their staff and families and the American and British mainstream media.
If we cannot sell our sites by the 15th of December for the right price, we would rather simply close it down for good.