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Thailand Medical - COVID-19 - Acute Kidney Injury  Jul 07, 2023  1 year, 8 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes ago

Thailand Medical News Warns That COVID-19 Infections And Vaccinations Are Driving Exponential Incidences Of Acute Kidney Injury!

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Thailand Medical News Warns That COVID-19 Infections And Vaccinations Are Driving Exponential Incidences Of Acute Kidney Injury!
Thailand Medical - COVID-19 - Acute Kidney Injury  Jul 07, 2023  1 year, 8 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes ago
Many Are Unaware Their Kidneys Are Injured And Are Gradually Deteriorating!

Thailand Medical: A simple meta-analysis of peer reviewed studies is yielding worrisome signs that no one is paying attention to. Acute kidney injury and kidney damage is occurring at a much higher rate that what has even been published studies so far. And it is not just those who had severe COVID-19 and were hospitalized but even those that only had mild COVId-19 infections and even those who were asymptomatic who are also developing kidney issues as well as a growing number of people who had received the COVID-19 vaccines! Kidney issues are becoming a common occurrence in many Post COVID and Long COVID individuals.
Thailand Medical News in an earlier coverage had also warned that even mild infections with the Omicron variant or its sub-lineages can also lead to kidney damage.
Acute kidney injury or AKI as a result of COVID-19 infections or COVID-19 vaccination is really a growing serious issue that needs to be addressed urgently.
What is worrisome is that many Post COVID individuals do not even know that they have acute kidney injury.
Even the U.S. CDC has admitted that kidney failure in children and teenagers are also increasing due to COVID-19!,-clots,-diabetes-and-heart-issues-in-post-covid-ch ildren-and-teenagers
A French study had also warned the similar issues about Post COVID children being at a high risk for kidney damage and kidney failure!
Thailand Medical News is sounding the alarm about kidney issues in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as we are witnessing unprecedented increases in kidney diseases and kidney failure in countries like Thailand and Singapore, and literally in all countries globally.
Among patients hospitalized for COVID-19, the incidence rate of acute kidney injury was about 39 percent to 46 percent!
Acute tubular injury was by far the most common finding in the kidneys of patients with COVID-19-related AKI. Among patients hospitalized for COVID-19, 34.0% developed AKI, of which 59.0%, 19.1%, and 21.9% were stage 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Generally, among COVID-19 patients including those with mild infections, the incidence of acute kidney Injury was about 12.7 percent to 19.45 percent! (but this rates are being disputed recently as researchers believe that the figures could be much higher!)
Researchers also warn that those with asymptomatic injections are also susceptible to kidney injuries.
In fact, researchers are warning that the incidence of acute kidney injury and other kinds of kidney damage and issues could be very high in also asymptomatic and mild infections but are not being discovered!
Alarmingly, studies are also showing that acute kidney injury in individuals who had received the COVID-19 vaccines are also very high.
Numerous case studies have reported on the development of acute kidney injury and damage in individuals who had received the COVID-19 vaccines.
Among the patients with post-vaccination AKI, the most common pathologic findings include crescentic glomerulonephritis (29.9%), acute tubular injury (23.7%), IgA nephropathy (18.6%), ANCA-associated vasculitis (17.5%), minimal change disease (17.5%), and thrombotic microangiopathy (10.3%). It is important to note that crescentic glomerulonephritis appears to be more prevalent in patients who have newly diagnosed renal involvement. The proportions of patients with AKI stages 1, 2, and 3 after COVID-19 vaccination in case reports were 30.9%, 22.7%, and 46.4%, respectively. In general, clinical cases of new-onset and recurrent nephropathy with AKI after COVID-19 vaccination have a positive prognosis.
Many past Thailand Medical News coverages had already showed that SARS-CoV-2 could infect the kidneys and also the cytokine storms it induces can also contribute to kidney injury and damage, while it was also found that the spike proteins were nephrotoxic!,-pancreas-and-liver,-massive-lung-and-kidney-injuries-along-with-new-findings
Interestingly, besides simply acute kidney injury and kidney damage, SARS-CoV-2 infections can also lead to kidney cancer!,-leading-to-chronic-inflammation-and-renal-carcinoma
We strongly call for more research being done in this area of Post-COVID infection and Post COVID vaccination associated acute kidney injury and kidney damage and for the medical community to educate both healthcare staff as well as the general public for the importance and need for regular health screenings to monitor kidney health.
There is also a need for better, cheaper and easier diagnostics to determine kidney injuries as a result of COVID-19 infections or vaccinations and also for more proper research for understanding of the mechanisms behind these kidney injuries and damage which could help lead to the development of proper therapeutics and even prophylactics.
For the latest on COVID-19, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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