Trump-COVID-19: U.S. President Administered Regenerons’ Experimental Antibody Cocktail That Is Promoted By Tom Cahill?
Trump-COVID-19: President Donald Trump is receiving an experimental treatment of synthetic antibodies for COVID-19, his doctor said Friday, and is "fatigued but in good spirits."
President Leaving For Walter Reed Military Hospital
President Trump received a single dose of Regeneron's antibody cocktail, according to a letter issued by White House physician Dr Sean Conley.
The experimental treatment is undergoing clinical trials but hasn't received any form of regulatory approval even from the U.S. FDA.
Dr Conley said, "He's being evaluated by a team of experts, and together we'll be making recommendations to the President and First Lady in regards to next best steps."
The President was later flown to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Hospital where he will spend a few days to recuperate there as a precautionary measure. The Hospital is equipped with a Presidential Suite that is well equipped for the President to carry on his daily routines and work including tweeting and watching TV.
Many were asking as to why he was not administered hydroxychloroquine as both he and his physician had previously said on many occasions that it was still effective despite all studies saying otherwise.
The President is reportedly in good spirits and looked healthy and normal according to close aides.
Many are also wondering if it is some kind of political ploy as details of his test were not fully disclosed including what type of strains he is infected with etc.
Regeneron’s experimental antibody cocktail REGN-COV2 is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies (REGN10933 and REGN10987) and was designed specifically to block infectivity of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Inorder to develop REGN-COV2, Regeneron researchers evaluated thousands of fully-human antibodies produced by the company's VelocImmune® mice, which have been genetically modified to have a human immune system, as well as antibodies identified from humans who have recovered from COVID-19.
The two potent, virus-neutralizing antibodies that form REGN-COV2 bind non-competitively to the critical receptor binding domain of the virus's spike protein, which diminishes the ability of mutant viruses to escape treatment and protects against spike variants that have arisen in the human population, as detailed in Science. Preclinical studies have shown that REGN-COV2 reduced the amount of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and associated damage in the lungs of non-human primates.
REGN-COV2's development and manufacturing has been funded in part with federal funds from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Regeneron has recently partnered with Roche to increase the global supply of REGN-COV2. If REGN-COV2 proves safe and effective in clinic
al trials and regulatory approvals are granted, Regeneron will manufacture and distribute it in the U.S. and Roche will develop, manufacture and distribute it outside the U.S.
Unknown to many, the key group that has been advising President Trump in many of his controversial approaches and also been linking him with pharmaceutical giants is a group of 'scientists” called the
Scientists to Stop COVID-19 lead by billionaire Tom Cahill and the key link between them and President Trump is Nick Ayers , a longtime aide to Mike Spence.
Tom Cahill, CEO Newpath
These dozen of so called ‘America’s top scientists’ and a collection of billionaires and industry titans say they have the 'answers' to the coronavirus pandemic, and they found a backdoor to deliver their plans and ideas to the White House.
The group is led by a 33-year-old physician-turned-venture capitalist, Tom Cahill, who lives far from the public eye but has enough lofty connections to influence both right and wrong government decisions in the war against COVID-19.
The group and their backers describe their work as a lockdown-era Manhattan Project, a nod to the World War II group of scientists who helped develop the atomic bomb. This time around, the group are marshaling power and money to distill unorthodox ideas gleaned from around the world.
Nick Ayers, a longtime aide to Vice President Mike Pence.
This clandestine group, whose work hasn’t been previously reported, has acted as the go-between for pharmaceutical companies looking for a reputable link to Trump administration decision makers. They are working remotely as an ad hoc review board for the flood of research on the coronavirus, weeding out studies before they reach policy makers.
They had compiled a confidential 17-page report that calls for a number of unorthodox methods against the virus. One big idea is treating patients with powerful drugs previously used against Ebola, with far heftier dosages than have been tried in the past. (Yes it was speculated that they might be the ones that got remdesivir approved!)
It was said in media that earlier in the year, NIH Director Francis Collins agreed with most of the recommendations in the report. The report was delivered to cabinet members and Vice President Mike Pence, head of the administration’s coronavirus task force by Nick Ayers.
Dr Cahill’s main asset is a young lifetime of connections through his investment firm. These include such billionaires as Peter Thiel, Jim Pallotta and Michael Milken financiers who afforded him the legitimacy to reach officials in the middle of the crisis. Dr Cahill and his group have frequently advised Nick Ayers, Mr Pence’s longtime aide, and agency heads through phone calls over the past few months. it was reported in media.
It is speculated (no proof though) that this group could have made billions from the various deals including those involving hydroxychloroquine, remidesivir and soon regeneron’s antibody cocktail.
Some say that two years ago, Dr Cahill was studying for his M.D. and PhD. at Duke University, conducting research on rare genetic diseases and wearingUS $20 Costco slacks. He reconnected with a friend who introduced him to a job at his father’s company, the blue-chip investment firm the Raptor Group.
He got hooked on investing, particularly in life sciences,reasoning he could make a bigger impact by identifying promising scientists and helping them troubleshoot problems both scientific and financial than doing research himself.
He subsequently formed his own fund, Newpath Partners, with US$125 million from a small group of wealthy investors, including Silicon Valley stalwart Mr. Thiel and private-equity founders like Mr Pagliuca.
Steve Pagliuca, co-chairman of Bain Capital
This group is speculated (no proof) to be behind the vaccines and the operation warp programme and various diagnostic tests that Trump approved, each time gaining according to unproven speculations.
Brian Sheth, co-founder of private-equity firm Vista Equity Partners, and a Democrat, had been watching the effort gather steam from Austin, Texas. He was an early investor in Dr Cahill’s fund and had been on the first call. His expertise however was technology, though, not immunology. Sheth had become friendly with Thomas Hicks Jr., the Dallas businessman and co-chairman of the Republican National Committee. Mr Sheth introduced Mr. Hicks to Dr Cahill’s group.
Brian Sheth, co-founder and president of Vista Equity Partners
It was said that the new network cinched ties between a group of mostly liberal scientists from left-leaning institutions with a Republican stalwart who hunts birds with Donald Trump Jr.
Sources said that a major concern of the group was the U.S. FDA. The group had in their research identified monoclonal antibody drugs that latch onto virus cells as the most promising treatment. But to make the medicine in sufficient quantities, one drugmaker, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc., would have to shift some of its existing manufacturing to Ireland. U.S. FDA rules required a month’s long wait for approval.
It was said that Mr Scolnick tried reaching the U.S.FDA. In a group call afterward, one in the group said, of the U.S.FDA: “They’re the problem here.”
Subsequently Dr Cahill got in touch with Mr Nick Ayers. Once the group briefed the vice president’s aide on the bottleneck, Mr Ayers said he knew who to call. That evening, March 27, Regeneron received a call from the FDA. They had permission, starting immediately, to shift production to Dublin.
Speculative sources that they might have managed to get Trump to control the FDA and also the CDC and NIH and got Dr Fauci out of the picture. (Only speculations, no concrete proof)
This group also made inroads with the VA, the largest health care system in the U.S. The group pushed the division’s medical staff to allow veterans with COVID-19 to join existing studies in such areas as prostate cancer, to see if already-approved drugs might be effective against the coronavirus. They also spoke to the VA’s chief medical officer and secretary about the proposal and learned the initiative was being fast-tracked.
It was also reported that Mr Pagliuca spoke to Charles Baker, the Republican governor of Massachusetts, on the phone about the report. The governor, Mr Pagliuca said, planned to adopt elements of the plan.
Alarmingly with many of their business proposals under advisement, or already in the process, the group has an eye on the post-COVID-19 world. Mr Pagliuca pushed the group to add a fourth phase to the plan reopening America.
Among some of the ideas include development of a saliva test, and scheduling tests at the end of the workday so results are available by morning. They also have suggested a nationwide smartphone app that requires residents to confirm each day that they do nopt have any of 14 symptoms of a cold or fever.
It is dangerous to see how this group of business people are dangeroulsy manipulating the White House and perhaps gaining in the process. Something needs to be done before it is too late!
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Trump-COVID-19, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.