URGENT! Outbreak Of Respiratory Illnesses Killing Infants And Adults In Various Geolocations Across South America Warrants Proper Investigations!
Medical News - South America - Respiratory Illnesses - Infants Jul 02, 2023 1 year, 7 months, 3 weeks, 18 hours, 55 minutes ago
Coordinated Coverups By Various Authorities Suggest That Something Is Amiss. H5N1? New Adenovirus Strains? New SARS-CoV-2 Sub-Lineages?
Medical News: We have seen in the last 10 days various media reports (Mostly by smaller local and independent news outlets) of outbreaks of respiratory illnesses in various part of South America spanning countries from Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Argentina and Ecuador with many authorities claiming that these outbreaks are due to common flu viruses or in some cases due to adenoviruses, RSV virus, rhinovirus, metapneumovirus or COVID-19.
Interestingly, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and World Health Organization (WHO) had in early June warned South American countries to strengthen their measures to tackle flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19 and to take measures to avoid severe outcomes.
However, with many hospitals reporting an increase in caseloads with disease severity and also the death rates of infants, young children and older adults are increasing exponentially in the last 14 days, should there not be a proper and official statements by the WHO as to what is really happening in South America and what actual pathogens are behind the outbreaks.
In Brazil alone, an update in late June showed that there were about 1785 cases of children below the age of 5 infected and exhibiting severe acute respiratory syndrome with 39 deaths so far. Health authorities claimed that the RSV virus was behind the surge.
However, according to latest reports in the last 48 hours, the situation has not only worsened in Brazil but almost all pediatric ICUs across most of the South American countries are at full capacity with many on the wait list and the latest is that even normal ICUs for adults are also now filling up. Each country is giving different pathogens as being behind the rise of these respiratory infections and are claiming that there is nothing extraordinary behind these surges!
Doctors and hospitals are reporting that many patients are exhibiting signs of severe respiratory illness with most requiring supplement oxygen! Deaths rates are also rising exponentially but are not being reported in any mainstream newspapers across South America nor by the international wire agencies. None of the governments in the countries affected are coming forward and telling the public as to what is actually happening and while they are occasional reports attributing the outbreaks to simply flu, RSv virus or adenovirus or COVID-19 etc, there is no proper lab reports to substantiate what is really brewing and many hospitals and doctors are saying that they are being prohibited from talking to the media!
Some have speculated that perhaps H1N5 could be at play, as they were even recent reports of suspected H5N1 human infections being investigated in Brazil.
However, we at Thailand
Medical News however do not believe that H5N1 itself is at play but hypothesize that perhaps a new reassorted flu virus involving H5N1 and common flu viruses could have emerged and is more lethal in infants and older adults but not as lethal as H5N1 itself and that is what is driving the current crisis in South America. Of course, this is simply speculations but urgent research is needed to validate our hypothesis. Already some of the doctors we spoke to have denied that any of the initial pathogens that were earlier mentioned in this article were behind the increase in caseloads based on the lab reports they have seen. But again, note that we could be wrong and it could be just a combination of various respiratory disease-causing pathogens at play. But it never hurts to do proper laboratory diagnostics and to get it audited by other agencies and then to release the data to the public.
But also note that laboratory findings can sometimes be wrong too as a lot depends of the assays and antigen test kits used and even genomic sequencings can be wrong sometimes due to contamination or even other issues. For instance, the recent claims by Polish authorities that 16 cats died from H5N1 still raises doubts even though a genomic sequencing has been uploaded as many things do not add up ie the manner in which the domestic home cats in various geolocations could have contracted the virus and the claims that it could be the cats food supply also does not add up.Investigations are ongoing at the moment with regards to the H5N1 infection of cats in Poland.
Rest assured, we can expect more developments as to what is brewing in South America and also in Poland and other parts of Europe.
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