WAKE UP! SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins Are Toxic And Will Kill Slowly Irrespective Of Asymptomatic Or Mild Infections. Re-infections Are Going To Be Common In 2022!
While the experts and WHO are saying they need more data about the Omicron BA.2 variant before they can consider it a variant of concern (VOC), the variant is already wreaking havoc in Denmark where the variant is now dominant in the country according to a statement to the media last week by the Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke.
Preliminary research in Denmark, where cases involving BA.2 are rising, suggest that the subvariant may be more contagious than the original omicron strain, which was already the most transmissible known variant to date, by about 1.5 times!
The BA.2 variant accounted for 20 percent of Denmark's COVID-19 cases at the end of December, and it jumped to 47 percent of reported cases by the second week of January!
However, what is more concerning is that along with the BA.2 being dominant and besides infections rates shooting up exponentially, hospitalization and death rates are also starting to see an incremental shift.
Even more concerning is that fully vaccinated people who got infected with the Omicron BA.1 variant in November are now reportedly getting re-infected with the BA.2 strain not only in Denmark but also elsewhere and a few preprint studies will be out in about a fortnight to present case studies to verify this.
Almost all of the reported re-infections are symptomatic and a sizeable number are experiencing moderate to even severe conditions.
At the same time while the world is also focused on the Omicron variant and the new BA.2 variant, the newly emerging delta sub-variants are also emerging and wreaking havoc in many other parts of the world. No one or media is talking about the newer sub-sub-variants that have spawned from the AY.57 or AY.122.3 and many more like them….some even spotting a huge number of mutations on them that could easily rival the Omicron. Those are also causing re-infections and again no news or experts are talking about it.
Re-infections will be the buzzword for 2022 along with newer more transmissible and more lethal variants.
When a person gets infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and irrespective of whether they were asymptomatic or only had mild symptoms, a large number of their cellular pathways and mechanisms are going to get disrupted and dysregulated by the spike proteins of the virus irrespective of whatever variants and their immunity systems are going to compromised and their various tissues and organs will ultimately be affected.
The spike proteins are also able to cause a variety of epigenetic changes to various critical genes in the human body and in some cases either upregulate or downregulate some of these genes or destroy them completely!
This is how toxic the spike proteins are and anyone who is smart and has done their research will try to avoid exposure to these spike proteins through either infections or through any other means including so called therapeutics that contain them!
There is emerging data that these spike proteins not only can cause DNA damage but can also causing dysregulation to the TP53 gene, making cells permissive to oncogenic DNA damage.
As what we at Thailand
Medical News has been saying from the very beginning, the world will be exposed to non-s
topped surges with new SARS-CoV-2 variants playing the key role each time while destroying the immune system and cellular functions of all those infected slowly except from those with a vulnerable genetic makeup or are having existing comorbidities or are old, and with every new surge, more people will get re-infected and get even more sickly until they eventually die due to a variety of conditions such as strokes, organ failure, heart failure, sepsis, cancers etc but all of which will not be classified as COVID-19!
Pay careful attention to excess death rates, rates of cancer, rates of heart failures, acute kidney injury rates, liver failure, thyroid and other endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal issues leading to sepsis and deaths, rates of strokes etc in the last 16 months.
In addition, all the medications being approved and used by the U.S. FDA and other regulatory agencies such as remdesivir, tocilizumab, favipiravir, lopinavir/ritonavir and even hydroxychloroquine which is still being used in some countries are actually killing people and are adding to the fatality counts.
The new drug like molnupiravir is even far worse as it is a mutagenic compound and expect to see the catastrophic consequences down the road.
They are many safer repurposed drugs like budesonide, supplements like Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium, Quercetin, Melatonin, Curcumin, Echinacea and even a huge variety of herbs and phytochemicals that can act as prophylactics and also as effective antivirals and therapeutics for COVID-19 and also Long COVID.
Until people wake up and stop listening to the so-called Western experts in the U.S., UK and elsewhere in Europe that are advocating mRNA-based prophylactics and therapeutics and other dangerous drugs they will continue to jeopardize their health status and put themselves at risk. And for those that think its ok as long as they only had asymptomatic or mild infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, they will eventually discover the truth in the weeks or months to come.
For more about the toxic effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and what kind of damages it can cause, simply peruse through the archives of Thailand Medical News….there are hundreds of such articles covering published studies.