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Thailand Medical - SARS-CoV-2 Viral Persistence  Jul 09, 2023  1 year, 7 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 9 hours, 13 minutes ago

WARNING! Current Antivirals And Vaccines Cannot Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Viral Persistence Which Affects Majority Of So Called ‘Recovered’ Individuals!

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WARNING! Current Antivirals And Vaccines Cannot Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Viral Persistence Which Affects Majority Of So Called ‘Recovered’ Individuals!
Thailand Medical - SARS-CoV-2 Viral Persistence  Jul 09, 2023  1 year, 7 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 9 hours, 13 minutes ago
What They Are Not telling You Is That There Is Actually No Real Recovery From SARS-CoV-2 Exposure! It Is Like HIV In Certain Ways If Not Worse!
Thailand Medical: We live in really confusing and trying times where there is so much misinformation being disseminated online not just by various conspiracy groups and ‘nut cases’ but even by organizations tasked with global public health, various health agencies, government officials, medical experts and even reputable education institutions.  

Online and in society, we have groups of antivaxxers, provaxxers, ‘nut cases’ who insist that viruses and SARS-CoV-2 does not exists, we have those that are against masking and NPIs, we have the COVID minimizers, we have those that insist COVID-19 is over or that it is now mild like flu, etc.
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most badly managed health crises in the history of mankind and it is amazing that in this age of advancement and technology, such a crisis has been allowed to progress to such a stage where as of today, we have more than 420 SARS-CoV-2 sub-lineages actively in circulation across various geolocations globally!*&
Many are causing ‘silent spreads’ as these new SARS-CoV-2 sub-lineages have evolved to disarm all human host immune responses effectively that results in mainly asymptomatic infections or mild infections except for those in the vulnerable groups.
However, some of these new sub-lineages are also targeting T-Cell immunity and even evolving to use different receptors in the host body for cell entry and even exhibiting pathogenic changes as what we are witnessing currently in parts of Japan, South America and elsewhere.
SARS-CoV-2 is no longer just a respiratory virus and even trying to assign new labels associating it with endothelial issues, vasculitis, autoimmune issues, heart and neurological issues etc does not really help as the extent of the damage and dangers it is capable of executing it far more than anyone can imagine. (To date, we roughly have found that it is able to disrupt/dysregulate/damage more than 2217 cellular pathways, genes and key host proteases, not including cells and organs!.. I am in the midst of developing an e-book of just this as a reference for all!)
We can no longer even say if SARS-CoV-2 is just airborne anymore as it can even be a food borne, water borne and even animals and insects can be vectors for the virus now! (Latest studies on the evolution of the virus to even with stand extreme environmental conditions via changes in in its conformational folding strategies are worrying …the same goes for studies showing how it is evolving to be able to infect various animal species!) (Please use the search function on Thailand Medical News site as all the studies are there on everything we are mentioning here! Below are just 4 of 57 relevant studies that can be found on TMN)
With studies showing that presence of infectious SARS-CoV-2 in semen samples, it can even be classified as a sexually transmitted disease as well!
The world has failed to properly manage this COVID-19 crisis and from day one we had stupid diagnostics and protocols to classify COVID-19 recovery based on nasal or saliva swabs!
Those that were controlling the COVID-19 narrative knew that this was not the right move but they still did it as they really do not want the masses to know what kind of virus they are dealing with!
Viral persistence is real and all the studies on Long COVID and about persistent inflammation all links back to only viral persistence though many are reluctant to accept it and deal with the issue as the real implications are massive and worrying for those in control.
I have already covered about viral persistence extensively in various previous articles, please read them for your own sake.,-u-s-nih-warns-sars-cov-2-viral-persistence-is-a-serious-issue-that-is-also-affecting-long-covid,-many-with-asymptomatic-sars-cov-2-infections-are-also-prone-to-various-long-term-health-and-medical-issues
SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence is worse than HIV as the virus is able to hide in various compartmentalized regions of the human body and disarm all immune strategies in that particular zone to allow it to remain for long time while it replicates and also damage the surround cells and tissues unlike HIV that simply remains dormant most of the time in specific identified reservoir zones.,-providing-evidence-of-viral-reservoirs
What is interesting is that all studies have already proven that all the current antivirals and also vaccines are not able to prevent reinfections. They might as claimed reduce viral loads and prevent disease severity but there is not a single study that can prove that any of these approved antivirals or vaccines can prevent and treat SARS-CoV-2 persistence or even cause total viral clearance.
I am willing to challenge anyone who says otherwise as even studies claiming viral clearance in certain drug studies can be disputed based on the diagnostics and protocols used, terminology used and definition of viral clearance!
Even simple blood viremia test do not suffice in terming viral clearance as the various studies on viral persistence will show!
I cannot understand as to why the medical community and authorities are not addressing the seriousness of SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence. In fact, when compared to HIV exposure, we can say that almost all who have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus are at risk of viral persistence. Many might not see the symptoms or manifestations unlike those with Long COVID till later stages or when fatal outcomes due to heart failure, strokes, organ failure sepsis etc occurs.
I have warned about this many times and we are seeing a rise in all kinds of diseases and health conditions due to SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence and I gave just some examples on twitter with regards to the United Kingdom.
It is viral persistence that is contributing to impaired immune states, chronic persistent inflammation, heart and vascular issues, neurological and neuropsychiatric issues, organ failures, stroke and ischemia, gastrointestinal issues, sepsis, cancers and tumors etc.
I have already warned that all exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus will have shortened lifespans irrespective even if they only had asymptomatic or mild infections. In fact, based on a preliminary model on the way that it affects the various cellular pathways, dysregulates and impairs various genes and key proteases, the DNA damage it causes and also the epigenetic changes, we envisage that many will only have 5 to 8 years left. As much as we wish we are wrong, the rise of various diseases and infections and the increasing excess death rates we have been seeing in the last two years, tends to correlate with our hypothesis! (For those who accuse me of scaremongering or spreading fake news..time will tell along with newer emerging studies.),-leading-to-immune-dysregulation,-telomere-dysregulation-and-impairs-dna-mismatch-repair
(Please use TMN’s search function as there are more than 630 articles supporting these statements!)
There are also other areas that have not been studied including viral shedding by those with viral persistence and also the occurrence of reassortant events taking place in the host with other dormant pathogens and also intrahost evolution of these dormant pathogens as a result of SARS-CoV-2 changing the immune landscape…some of the results would be interesting especially concerning herpes, varicella zoster viruses and TB! The recent news about rise in incidences of Guillain Barre syndrome in Peru is one example of what we are indirectly implying about here. (Note, the reassortant events and intra-host evolution is not as defined or known in the old school of virology but something totally new and unexpected which I have only just learned about and will be writing a separate article on it!)
There is an urgent need for a concerted effort for all international researchers and institutions to come together to develop fast, cheap and easily to use diagnostics to determine viral persistence and identify which compartmentalized zones are these viral reservoirs are in each individual (As it will differ from cases to case) and also to develop a range of safe and non-toxic antivirals that can eradicate these reservoirs. (this will be a very difficult task as we have seen in HIV and in the case it is even more complex)
It is stupid at this stage to focus anymore on new vaccines or even so-called inhaled vaccines when the virus is ever mutating to evade all kinds of immunity and is now also evolving to use different receptors for viral entry and exhibiting different forms of tropisms and replicating and shedding in different parts of the human host not just the nasal mucosa regions.
Quiet honestly, mankind has actually lost the fight against the SARS-Cov-2 due to the initial mismanagement. We should not be just looking at the about officially reported 7 million COVID-19 deaths and currently claimed decreases in COVID-19 deaths so far but rather we should focus on the ever increasing excess deaths and also the fact that more than two thirds of the global population have already been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and many more are getting infected and reinfected everyday silently, majority initially asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic.
Only the privileged few that have access to the relevant knowledge will remain safe in this ongoing global health disaster that is only just unfolding!
For the latest COVID-19 News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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