WARNING! Stop Making Premature Statements That Omicron BA.2 Variant Is Not A Threat, BA.2 Is Evolving Fast And Spawning Lots Of New Virulent Sub-lineages!
The WHO (World Health Organization) in the last few hours has once again disseminated premature statements via Agence France-Presse (AFP) that the BA.2 variant is of no threat as it is comparable to the Omicron BA.1!
The WHO statements could have also been influenced by a study released once again by South African ‘experts’ who said that there was not much differences in terms of disease severity observed in those getting infected with the
BA.2 variant versus those infected with the BA.1 variant.
Readers should be aware that the WHO has a track record of disseminating misinformation since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic coupled with the fact that due to their incompetence, the world is in this current state as if only these ‘experts’ had reacted early and competently, the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak would have been only confined only to China.
Furthermore, all studies from South Africa are totally unreliable and untrustworthy as it was already demonstrated in earlier misleading claims that Omicron is mild.
Since the discovery of Omicron on the 24
th of November 2021 to this very date, the world has seen 711,492 new COVID-19 deaths and 165,703,860 new COVID-19 infections in this short period!
I shall not even touch on the issue of excess deaths and long COVID.
But what is more concerning and is deliberately being downplayed or concealed by those controlling the COVID-19 and vaccine narratives is that the BA.2 variant is fast evolving compared to any other past SARS-CoV-2 variants and is not only finding ways to evade both natural and vaccine-induced immunity but also is finding ways to evade all therapeutics being used including monoclonal antibodies and also antivirals like remdesivir and is also finding newer ways for faster entry into the human host cells while evading immune responses.
Already the BA.2 has spawned a new sub-lineage in Demark that seems to be causing more disease severity although it has not gained predominance in circulation yet.
Danish researchers have also identified yet another newer sub-lineage of BA.2 spotting mutations on the ORF1a region ie M85del (NSP1:M85del). This new sub-lineage is now accounting for about 10 percent of all new sequencings!
Note the proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 ORF1a plays a very important role in cell entry, cell fusion and also viral replication.
On the clinical aspects, local Danish physicians are saying that those infected with this newer BA.2 sub-lineage seems to exhibit more severe conditions especially lung issues, however studies are currently underway to verify this.
If one was to carefully peruse thru all the Omicron sequencings especially that of the BA.2 variant on the various online platforms like GISAID, Nextstrain, CoV-Spectrum, Outbreak. Info etc, it can be seen that there are far more BA.2 sequencings spotting a variety of mutations etc compared to other previously SARS-CoV-2 variants although most of these newer BA.2 sublineages have yet to gain predominance in circulation unlike the two mentioned above in Denmark. This reflects that unlike previous variants, the BA.2 is fast evolving and trying to gain not only viral fitness but also increased resistance to all immune factors and therapeutics.
There some published BA.2 sequencings from Brazil, United States, Japan, South Korea and even Thailand that needs to be looked into as it seems that newer worrisome BA.2 sublineages could also be arising in these countries.
Besides the published study by Japanese researchers that the BA.2 is more pathogenic and fusogenic, there are also a few more studies whose findings will be published shortly that reflect the same findings.
A new Danish study has also showed that previous infection with the Omicron BA.1 variant does not offer any protection against getting infected with the BA.2 variant.
For the time being, it is totally premature to assume that the BA.2 variant is mild while it is gradually spreading across the globe but rather the world should be on guard.
For more on the
BA.2 variant, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.