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Some men get injections of their own fat or a synthetic material to increase the size of the penile shaft. It is unclear whether this is safe, and it has not been proven that injections can increase penis size. And as with the other procedures, this won't improve the function of the penis.
Injections of various oils and other materials have also been used, usually without medical supervision. These strategies can cause inflammation and infections, and there is no evidence that they work. Not only are they dangerous but they can lead to penile cancer or even a need to remove the whole organ in cases of severe infections that arises.
(being promoted by unscrupulous clinics and hospitals in India and China)
There are two main types of penis enlargement surgery.
Penile augmentation involves injecting fat cells into the penis. The aim is to increase girth, or width, as well as length, in some cases
The procedure carries risks. Side effects may include swelling and distortion of the penis. If a side effect is severe, the penis may require removal.
Another method of penile augmentation involves grafting fat cells from elsewhere in the body onto the penis. This is less invasive and can add an average of 2.39–2.65 cm after 12 months.
However, the organ can lose 20–80 percent of the new volume within 1 year of surgery, so people may need multiple surgeries to achieve the desired result.
The second main type of surgery is suspensory ligament release. This ligament anchors the penis to the pubic area and provides support during an erection. If a surgeon cuts the ligament, this changes the angle of the penis, which can make it look longer.
On average, suspensory ligament release can increase flaccid penis length by between 1-3 cm, but patient and partner satisfaction rates tend to be low. The lack of support during an erection can make penetration difficult.
Like the US Urology Care Foundation, the American Urological Association state that penile augmentation surgery is neither safe or effective.
The fear that your penis looks too small or is too small to satisfy your partner during sex is common. But studies have shown that most men who think their penises are too small actually have normal-sized penises. Similarly, studies suggest that many men have an exaggerated idea of what constitutes "normal” penis size.
According to one study, the average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.16 in) long.
Penises come in all shapes and sizes, and they can vary considerably.
A study conducted in 2014, which included 15,521 men from around the world, determined that:
The average flaccid penis was 9.16 cm, or 3.61 inches (in), long and 9.31 cm (3.66 in) in girth.
The average erect penis was 13.12 cm (5.16 in) long and 11.66 cm (4.59 cm) in girth.
The researchers estimated that 5 percent of men have an erect penis longer than 16 cm. In another 5 percent, the erect penis would be shorter than around 10 cm.
The medical community only deems surgery necessary if a person has a condition called micropenis. This term describes a penis that is 7.5 cm or shorter when stretched.
Penis enlargement surgery can cause several side effects, including swelling and infection. These can be so severe that the penis requires removal. Surgery can also cause erectile dysfunction.
The need for penis-enlargement surgery is rare. Surgery is typically reserved for men whose penises don't function normally because of a birth defect or injury.
Although some surgeons offer cosmetic penis enlargement using various techniques, it's controversial and considered by many to be unnecessary and in some cases permanently harmful. These surgeries should be considered experimental. There aren't enough studies of penis-enlargement surgery to give an accurate picture of risks and benefits.
The most widely used surgical procedure to lengthen the penis involves severing the suspensory ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone and moving skin from the abdomen to the penile shaft. When this ligament is cut, the penis appears longer because more of it hangs down.
But cutting the suspensory ligament can cause an erect penis to be unstable. Severing the suspensory ligament is sometimes combined with other procedures, such as removing excess fat over the pubic bone.
A procedure to make the penis thicker involves taking fat from a fleshy part of the body and injecting it into the penis shaft. Results may be disappointing, however, because some of the injected fat may be reabsorbed by the body. This can lead to penile curvature or asymmetry and an irregular looking penis.
Another technique for increasing width is grafting tissue onto the shaft of the penis. None of these procedures has been proved safe or effective and can even affect potency and your ability to obtain an erection.
The penis grows throughout puberty in response to a testosterone hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Men continue to make DHT throughout life, but the penis stops growing toward the end of puberty. Flaccid penis size can decrease with age. These are natural changes that are simply a fact of life.
While you can't make your penis bigger, there are a few strategies that can make it appear larger.
Negative feelings about penis size can inhibit a person's enjoyment. Most penis enlargement methods do not work, but counseling can help by building self-esteem and correcting distorted ideas related to body image.
Other top tips include trimming the pubic hair, which can make the penis seem larger.
Also, carrying extra weight around the belly can make the penis appear smaller.
A person with a condition called penile dysmorphophobia disorder (PDD) may benefit from talking with a doctor.
There are two types of the disorder, but both involve consistently underestimating the size of one's own penis, while overestimating the sizes of those belonging to others.
This can lead to feelings of depression, sexual anxiety, and sexual dysfunction. Some people with the disorder find it difficult to get or maintain an erection, and they experience a lack of sexual satisfaction.
PDD is a form of body dysmorphia. This classification describes an all-consuming preoccupation with what a person perceives to be a flaw in their appearance.
People with this condition are often so concerned that others will consider their penis to be small that they do not want to get undressed around people.
Thailand Medical News recommends that anyone concerned about the size of their penis should talk to a doctor or sex therapist.
For several reasons, many men overestimate the size of the average penis, which can lead them to feel unsatisfied with their own. There are many factors involved in sexual arousal and penis size itself does not make a man more or less likely to become aroused or to perform sexually. However, 15 percent of men who underestimate their own penis size do experience erectile dysfunction, regardless of whether the penis is smaller or larger than average.
If you are concerned about erectile dysfunction be sure to see your doctor. Lifestyle changes and treatments may help But if you are a healthy man who simply wants enlarge your penis, remember that there are no safe and effective methods of doing this.
Save your monies by avoiding products that promise otherwise, and consider seeking out a medical specialist in your area to discuss your concerns. Never attempt to self treat or seek treatments from unlicensed doctors or unscrupulous clinics and hospitals that offer cosmetic penile surgeries.