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Thailand Medical - Kerala - Fever Infections  Jul 04, 2023  1 year, 8 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 15 hours, 23 minutes ago

What Is Really Brewing In Kerala-India? Fever Infections And Deaths Are Rising Exponentially! Is It Flu, Dengue, COVID-19 Or What?

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What Is Really Brewing In Kerala-India? Fever Infections And Deaths Are Rising Exponentially! Is It Flu, Dengue, COVID-19 Or What?
Thailand Medical - Kerala - Fever Infections  Jul 04, 2023  1 year, 8 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 15 hours, 23 minutes ago
Reports Of Flu, Dengue Fever, Rat Fever, COVID-19 and Even Nipah Virus And H5N1 Are Confusing People!
Thailand Medical: Media news coverages on a health crisis in Kerala-India in the last 10 days has been very confusing along with official statements from state health authorities.

Without doubt something really bad is brewing in the Indian coastal state that has a population of almost 35 million people.
Doctors and hospitals are admitting that there is an exponential rise in so called fever infections and death rates are gradually rising rate but they stopped short of saying what is actually behind the cause.
Media coverages and official statements from state health authorities keep on referring to cases as fever infections!
For instance, latest reports from state health officials said that on Saturday the July 1st, there were additional 12,728 new fever infections and one death.
What are fever Infections specifically and what is causing these caseloads.
Some media coverages say its flu while other say its dengue and some say its COVID-19 or RSV and Adenovirus infections. There is even mention of rat fever, H5N1 and whatever else! In some coverages, health officials talk about increasing flu vaccinations to help mitigate the situation, in other they are talking about COVID-19 vaccines and in some they are talking about ways to combat the dengue outbreaks!
The situation in Kerala is almost parallel to what is happening in various geolocations across South America as reported in a previous Thailand Medical News coverage.
Both pediatric and adult ICUs in hospitals across Kerala are filling up and hospitals are under stress with the rising cases of severe illnesses.
Perhaps Kerala’s health minister should teach her teams as to how to disseminate the correct and precise information as to what is driving these fever cases in Kerala with proper identification of what pathogens are involved and with supporting laboratory test results coupled with proper reporting and if various pathogens and diseases are involved, kindly give the detailed breakdowns.
I am surprised that fellow Malayalees (well I am only 50% Malayalee with another 50% Gujerati blood..a Hybrid!) are not demanding details as to what is causing the current fever infections and surge in illnesses across the state.
For the latest updates on the situation in Kerala, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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