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Source: Medical News - Japan - COVID-19 Deaths  Sep 14, 2022  2 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 15 hours, 45 minutes ago

What Is Really Happening In Japan? COVID-19 Death Rates Are Spiraling Out Of Control And Mortuaries Overflowing But Authorities Are Painting A Different Scenario!

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What Is Really Happening In Japan? COVID-19 Death Rates Are Spiraling Out Of Control And Mortuaries Overflowing But Authorities Are Painting A Different Scenario!
Source: Medical News - Japan - COVID-19 Deaths  Sep 14, 2022  2 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 15 hours, 45 minutes ago
There are more speculations emerging that the ‘big forces’ controlling the COVID-19 narratives are influencing governments and authorities around the world to conceal the real facts about the current COVID-19 crisis and instead create an illusion that COVID-19 is nothing to be worried about and the masses should simply return to pre-pandemic economic activity and lifestyles.

Take Japan, despite a record number of new daily SARS-CoV-2 symptomatic infections in August 2022 and a trend that has still not decreased despite PR stunts, reduced testing and manipulated COVID-19 reporting data, the government there has started to eased all border controls and health screenings to encourage tourism and has also reduced the isolation time for those who are infected.
However, despite all that, local physicians are concerned as the COVID-19 death rates are rising exponentially with many pointing out that the reported death rates in the media by government authorities are not correlating to what is actually being witnessed in hospitals, mortuaries and also at undertakers.
The Asahi Shimbun staff tired of all the ‘bullshit’ ran a story last week highlighting how mortuaries are literally overflowing with dead bodies since August and even till now in Tokyo.
Journalist at the news outlet who wished to remain anonymous told Thailand Medical News that the same scenario is being witnessed in the various prefectures across Japan even now in the second week of September. In some cases, the situation is even far worse.
Hospitals in some prefectures have simply collapsed without sufficient healthcare workers to even tend to patients as most of them are infected and some have even died!
Official figures show that there were only about 87,000 New Daily COVID-19 infections for the 13th of September and only about 191 COVID-19 deaths for that day.
But local physicians are insisting that the actual figures could be as high as between six to seven-fold!
The official total death rates for the whole country have always been hovering around the 180 to 340 mark for the last 6 weeks despite single prefectures in some cases reporting figures that even exceeding those total figures!
Japan is a lso one of countries with a high vaccine take up rate and it is estimated that about 82 percent of the population of 125.6 million people are fully vaccinated and boosted.
Despite the availability of all the various monoclonal therapeutics and antivirals that were approved by the U.S. FDA in Japan as a result of its government stockpiling these therapeutics, the death rates and also hospitalization rates are going up with very little covered in the mainstream media.
Some saying that Japan is going through  transition in surges ie it is just getting out a surge caused by the of the BA.5 variant but is entering a new surge driven by new sub-variants of the BA.5 variant and also involving the new BA.2.75 variant is its own emerging subvariants such as BA.2.75.1, BA.2.75.2.BA.2.75.6 etc.
(note that data on COV-Spectrum and also GISAID can no longer be trusted as its emerging that they have been selectively restricting data uploads possibly based on directives from those controlling the COVID-19 narratives!)
What is actually happening in Japan is still a mystery to many, both in the country and outside!
It an be safely that that a similar scenario is also occurring in Thailand, Korea, Australia, Singapore, Canada, Germany and the United States as well.
In Thailand daily official infection rates and deaths spewed in the garbage mainstream media shows only the number of daily hospitalizations and deaths and even then, the figures of about 1000 hospitalizations a day and less than 20 deaths per day are not what doctors at private and public hospitals are witnessing each day! There are no reports of even the high excess death rates especially from heart failure and strokes each day! However, it might be just as well as most of the masses are totally ignorant and are intellectually under developed and are more concerned with online gossip news about celebrities and criminals or are more engrossed in the porn performances in sites like Only Fans etc that are owned by British ‘dogs’! (Statistics show that Thais are one of the largest subscriber base of the platform that is surprisingly not blocked by the Thai government despite its lewd content!)
It is expected in coming months, the SARS-CoV-2 is going to be even more worrisome but the masses are not even going to know what hit them and what the real scenario is like!
Those that are controlling the COVID-19 narratives have actually won the 'game' and the stupid masses will keep on dropping like dead flies! But there could be a shining lining to the situation…at least the world will be rid of more stupids! Even more interesting, we might even get a chance to watch a few Only Fans ‘stars’ drop dead while performing their acts as a result of SARS-CoV-2 infections!
For the latest SARS-CoV-2 News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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