While SARS-CoV-2 Surges, New Strains Of Pathogens Responsible for Ebola, Monkey Pox, Legionnaires Disease, Lyme Disease, Etc Are Emerging!
Source: While SARS-CoV-2 Surges, New Strains Of Pathogens Responsible for Ebola, Monkey Pox, Legionnaires Disease, Lyme Disease, Etc Are Emerging! - N May 27, 2022 2 years, 10 months, 1 day, 16 hours, 38 minutes ago
Despite attempts by those controlling the COVID-19 narrative to downplay the COVID-19 crisis, new SARS-CoV-2 surges are being witnessed in many countries driven by the new BA.2.12.1 subvariants and its third generation variants, the BA.4 and BA.5 variants and its emerging subvariants, and also by new Delta subvariants.
Studies are already showing that these new variants are more immune evasive, pathogenic and likely to cause increased risk of disease severity and mortality.
In America, more than 108,128 new COVID-19 infections were reported for the last 26 hours.
It is expected that the actual numbers could be as high as six to eight-fold as many states are not reporting their data and also because there is lack of testing in many states coupled with the fact that many rapid antigen test kits are not reliable with the emerging variants and subvariants.
Many Americans are also having the fallacy that the new Omicron variants are mild and even if they were to develop any slight symptoms, they are simply treating it as flu. They are oblivious of the possible mid-term to long term effects of the virus.
Surges are taking place in Taiwan.
While In Germany, UK, France and Japan, new BA.2 subvariants are being discovered. (Details will be provided soon.)
However, what is concerning is that when the BA.2.12.2. BA.4 variant and subvariants wave hits Asia, it is expected that to have a more increased hospitalization and mortality rate as Asians have a genetic make up that is unprepared for these variants that originated in the African continent and evolved in the European and North American continent.
Also, as what Thailand
Medical News has been saying for along time, with billions of humans now having contracted SARS-CoV-2 virus. Majority now have a dysfunctional immune system or are immunodeficient and their new immune landscape is proving a medium for other pathogens to evolve and mutate as well. Furthermore, their dysfunctional immune systems and immunodeficient states will make them more susceptible to these new mutated pathogens!
Hence not are we only seeing the new mutated strains of monkey pox virus emerging and spreading fast, but we are also witnessing other
pathogens mutating and spreading as well.
As of the last few hours, a total of 398 confirmed monkeypox cases have been confirmed in total of 24 countries with thousands more under investigation. Germany is the latest country in the last few hours to identify a case.
In UK the number has now grown to 92 confirmed cases with another 817 people under investigation.
In Spain, the number has grown to 98 confirmed cases with another 236 people being investigated.
In the United States,10 cases have now been confirmed in states ie Massachusetts, California, New York, Virginia, Colorado, Utah, Florida and Washington.
Interestingly, a new strain of Ebola has also emerged in the Democratic Republic of Congo and as of today, 4 people have died from it.
This new Ebola strain has a mortality rate of 100%!
A new strain of the pathogen reponsible for Legionaries Disease is also spreading in the United States and also in Australia.
We are also witnessing the emergence of a new polio strain in Pakistan, Afghanistan and parts of Africa.
New research which has not been published is indicating that a new strain Borrelia bacterium which vectors like ticks of the genus Ixodes spreads to humans and causes Lyme disease has also emerged. It is being found in parts of the United States, Canada and Ireland.
Malaysia has also seen an increase of Hand, Foot and Mouth cases and again a new strain of the coxsackievirus is believed to involved.
Sierra Leone and Sudan are witnessing anthrax breakout and although we do not have any conformation as to whether a new strain of the bacteria is involved, local researchers are claiming that the possibility is very high and research is currently underway.
Cases of a new Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viral strain has emerged in Iraq.
https://promedmail.org/promed-post/?id=20220511.8703168 This disease has a fatality rate of 20%!
Cases of Yellow fever are also being reported in various African countries.
A new typhus strain that emerged in Nepal in 2022 is now spreading to India and China as well.
Measles is also spreading rapidly and again mutations has been found on the circulating strains.
A new strain of syphilis SS14-Ω with new mutations and is far more widespread than we thought and far more resistant to macrolides is spreading in the United States and United Kingdom.
A new more lethal HIV variant is also spreading in Europe.
This are all just a few, we are seeing a reemergence of various types of herpes viruses and most have gone through mutations and the same goes for the HPV virus.
Even with RSV or respiratory syncytial virus, new strains have emerged and are spreading around globally.
Brazil and Vietnam are also seeing an exponential rise in Dengue cases where mutations in the strain are also belived to be playing a part.
The West Nile Virus has also emerged in Europe.
We also expect new strains of swine flu, avian flu and influenza to emerge soon besides Marburg hemorrhagic fever virus, Lassa virus and Nipah virus.
As we at Thailand
Medical News since 2020 has been warning that SARS-CoV-2 is going to change the whole medical landscape and that of other diseases as well and we had even warned that medical textbooks will need to be rewritten.
Expect many new forms of pathogens with newer symptoms and effects and also the emergence of many more lethal diseases very soon.
The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and other dangerous pathogens are a blessing as hopefully it will eradicate the world of many educated but stupid human primates!
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Medical News.