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Measles News - London - UK  Jul 15, 2023  1 year, 7 months, 1 week, 4 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes ago

While UK Health Authorities Are Warning Of An Impending Catastrophic Measles Outbreak, They Did Not Reveal Two Key Issues As To Why It Could Be Bad!

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While UK Health Authorities Are Warning Of An Impending Catastrophic Measles Outbreak, They Did Not Reveal Two Key Issues As To Why It Could Be Bad!
Measles News - London - UK  Jul 15, 2023  1 year, 7 months, 1 week, 4 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes ago
UK Health Authorities Warn of Tens of Thousands of Potential Measles Cases But Fail To Reveal Crucial Details.
Measles News: London is on the brink of a major measles outbreak that could have dire consequences, according to a warning issued by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). Recent analysis suggests that without a significant increase in measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine uptake, the capital city could see between 40,000 and 160,000 cases. Experts are gravely concerned about the potential for dozens of deaths and thousands of hospitalizations if immediate action is not taken to address the suboptimal vaccination rates.

Rising Cases and Looming Threat
Official data published by the UKHSA reveals a steady rise in measles cases this year, indicating a resurgence of the illness. From January to June, 128 cases of measles were reported, compared to 54 cases for the entire year of 2022. Alarmingly, 66% of the cases were detected in London, although cases have been reported in all regions of the UK. These statistics underscore the urgency of the situation.
The Dangers of Measles
Measles is a highly infectious disease that can have severe consequences, particularly for young children and individuals with weakened immune systems. According to the UKHSA, an estimated 20-40% of children infected with measles require hospitalization. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that one to two in 1,000 infected children will die from the disease, and many others may suffer long-term complications such as intellectual disabilities and deafness. These risks highlight the critical importance of preventing measles outbreaks through vaccination.
London's Vulnerability and Herd Immunity:
London's vulnerability to a large-scale measles outbreak stems from its suboptimal vaccination rates. The World Health Organization recommends a 95% vaccination uptake rate to maintain herd immunity. However, the UK's MMR vaccine uptake falls significantly short of this target, with only 85.6% of children aged two years in England receiving the first dose, the lowest level in a decade. In some parts of London, coverage for the first MMR dose is as low as 69.5%. This situation places the city on the precipice of losing the protective shield of herd immunity.
Addressing Vulnerable Groups
Susceptibility to measles is particularly high among individuals aged 19 to 25, who were affected by unfounded vaccine scare stories in the early 2000s. These individuals have relied on herd immunity until now, but with declining vaccination rates, they face an increased risk of infection. Additionally, specific populations such as the Charedi Orthodox Jewish community, Travellers, and recent migrants are also at risk of smaller outbreaks due to under-vaccination. Targeted efforts are needed to address the needs of these communities and improve vaccination coverage.
Taking Urgent Action
Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the UKHSA and the NHS have launched a national campaign to boost MMR vaccine uptake. In London, targeted outreach work is being conducted in high-risk areas with the lowest vaccine coverage. All children at primary school who have missed one or both doses of the MMR vaccine are being offered the opportunity to catch up at school. Parents of younger children or those who are home-schooled are encouraged to make appointments with their GP practice or visit community clinics.
The Importance of Vaccination
Measles is a preventable disease, and vaccination is key to protecting individuals and communities. The MMR vaccine is part of the NHS routine childhood immunization program and provides 99% lifelong protection after two doses. Parents are urged to ensure their children are fully vaccinated and to check their red book or consult with their GP practice to verify their immunization status. Additionally, adults of any age who are unvaccinated should also seek vaccination to reduce their risk of infection.
Two Important Points That Have Not Been Revealed To The Public
While the warnings of the impending measles outbreak also covered the important issue of lack of vaccine intakes, two important details have been left out which should be properly addressed:
1.Many Children And Adults Are Suffering From Dysregulated Immune Systems Due To Previous SARS-CoV-2 Exposure
British health authorities are refusing to acknowledge that majority of the British population as a result of having been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus many times have developed a dysregulated immune system that not only adds to Long COVID-19 issues but makes them more susceptible to more severe illnesses upon infections with opportunistic or circulating pathogens. Hence it is expected that as a result of these damages caused to the immune system, many will likely develop more severe complications this time round with the measles outbreak.
2. Possible New Genotype of Measles In Circulation
While there are more than 24 genotypes of the measles virus but only one serotype, some researchers based on what they have observed so far, are claiming that some of the measles genotype detected in parts of Europe since May this year do not belong to the typical four genotypes that are often in circulation i.e. 1E, 1G, 1J or 2B….rather based on observed variations in the nucleotide sequences of the hemagglutinin and nucleoprotein genes, there is a very high possibility we are dealing with new genotypes of the measles virus. However strangely, many European virologists and health authorities are refusing to comment or correct these claims and in all the reports by the WHO or ECDC, all mention of genotypes detected have been omitted since April 2023.
In an earlier Measles News report in June this year, we covered the measles outbreak in Turkey that was bad and is still ongoing but strangely it was not reported in any mainstream media or international news wire agencies. Turkish researchers had also detected new measles genotypes but again all data on this was never made public and even the Turkish authorities were not able to furnish us with details on this due to restrictions by the WHO!
Not just London and the rest of UK are facing an imminent threat of a major measles outbreak but even the rest of Europe and unless immediate action is taken to improve vaccination rates, address the COVID-19 induced immune dysregulation issues and even COVID-19 induced immunodeficiency issues and find proper therapeutics to improve the condition and also conduct more urgent research into the emerging measle genotypes….we could be faced with the potential consequences of thousands of cases, hundreds of deaths, and overwhelming pressure on the healthcare system across Europe.
For the latest Measles News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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