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Source: WHO  Aug 03, 2020  4 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 6 hours, 48 minutes ago

WHO Publicly Warns There May Never Be A COVID-19 'Silver Bullet.’ Question Is What Exactly That WHO Knows And They Are Not Telling???

WHO Publicly Warns There May Never Be A COVID-19 'Silver Bullet.’ Question Is What Exactly That WHO Knows And They Are Not Telling???
Source: WHO  Aug 03, 2020  4 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 6 hours, 48 minutes ago
WHO: The World Health Organization warned on Monday that there might never be a "silver bullet" for the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, despite the rush to discover effective vaccines.

Instead the WHO urged governments and citizens to focus on doing the known basics, such as testing, contact tracing, maintaining physical distance and wearing a mask in order to suppress the pandemic, which has upended normal life around the globe and triggered a devastating economic crisis.

The WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a virtual press conference, “We all hope to have a number of effective vaccines that can help prevent people from infection. However, there's no silver bullet at the moment and there might never be. For now, stopping outbreaks comes down to the basics of public health and disease control. Do it all.”

The WHO in June suddenly started to distant itself from vaccines and also ceased to put vaccines as its priority in terms of research projects etc.

And again they distanced themselves with regards to the drugs Remdesivir and also Tocilizumab  and now they are again indicating that that there might not be a solution for ending the COVID-19 pandemic. A fortnight ago they also indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to last a few years and that the situation is expected to get worse without any proper justifications or facts presented.

The key thing is what is that exactly do they know but are not telling the world?

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has killed nearly 695,000 people and infected at least 18.2 million since the outbreak emerged in Wuhan in China last December.

The WHO began pressing China in early May to invite in its experts to help investigate the animal origins of COVID-19.But many are saying that this is just a formality as China is literally controlling the WHO.

The supposedly ‘UN health agency’ sent an epidemiologist and an animal health specialist to Beijing on July 10 to lay the groundwork for a probe aimed at identifying how the virus entered the human species.

Tedros, the Ethiopian head of the WHO who has always been singing praises of China since day one said, “Their scoping mission is now complete. The WHO advance team that travelled to China has now concluded their mission to lay the groundwork for further joint efforts to identify the virus origins. WHO and Chinese ‘experts’ have drafted the terms of reference for the studies and programme of work for an international team, led by WHO.”

He further added, "The international team will include leading scientists and researchers from China and around the world. Epidemiological studies will begin in Wuhan to identify the potential source of infection of the early cases. Evidence and hypotheses generated through this work will lay the ground for further, longer-term studies."

Interestingly the pair have not yet returned to the WHO's Geneva headquarters for a debriefing.

Many believe the killer virus jumped from animals to humans, possibly from a market in the city of Wuhan selling exotic animals for meat.

Health officials from China said early in the outbreak that the& amp;nbsp;virus may have spread from a market in the city, which sold live and wild animals, but no further confirmation of that has been revealed.

We at Thailand Medical news believes with the predictions of numerous other medical scientist that the COVId-19 pandemic is expected to last for another 3 to 5 years and that the situation will gradually worsen as months go by for reasons that we have detailed in various of our past articles.

For more on WHO and their misinformation and incompetency, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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