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Source: Medical News - Reinfections - Coinfections  Sep 29, 2022  2 years, 5 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 37 minutes ago

With The Debut Of Over 200 New Immune Evasive Omicron Variants And Sub-lineages, Expect A Winter Of Dangerous Reinfections And Coinfections!

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With The Debut Of Over 200 New Immune Evasive Omicron Variants And Sub-lineages, Expect A Winter Of Dangerous Reinfections And Coinfections!
Source: Medical News - Reinfections - Coinfections  Sep 29, 2022  2 years, 5 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 37 minutes ago
Its amazing how stupid the masses are and how many simply living in denial and are assuming that COVID-19 is over. Many of these stupids are rejoicing in the lifting of all COVID-19 safety measures and also travel restrictions without realizing that their bodies or the bodies of their loved ones could be lying in the mortuaries in coming weeks!

There are sub-groups who simply like sheep will believe whatever their corrupted governments will say or anything that is published in the garbage mainstream media that are being paid by those controlling the COVID-19 narratives.
Then there are even those who are holding on to the words of their health authorities who are promising them salvation via the new booster shots, new toxic therapeutics and carcinogenic nasal sprays using hydroxypropyl methylcellulose!
Unknown to many, there are thousands of new Omicron variants and sub-lineages that has emerged in the last few months with more than 200 identified that could be problematic as they are appearing in more than a few sequence samples.
Many virologists have been monitoring about 48 of these new Omicron variants and sub-lineages that are displaying not only enhanced immune evasiveness but also antiviral resistance and also possible new changes in pathogenesis.,-bq-1-1,-bw-1,-xbb,-bu-1,-br-2,-bm-1-1-1,-ca-1,-bj-1-and-bn-1
Some researchers have also warned Thailand Medical News that some of the newer Omicron variants are displaying the same lethalness found in the SARS virus that made its debut in 2003.
While certain stupid individuals claim that we have the tools to deal with the coming surge, it is already becoming very apparent that in reality there are no longer any of such tools left!
Most the newer variants are exhibiting evasiveness not only against natural immunity from previous infections but are also evasive towards the existing monoclonal therapeutics including the last known standing drug bebtelovimab!
In terms of all the approved antivirals such as remdesivir, paxlovid and molnupiravir, almost are showing no efficacy against the newer emerging Omicron variants and sub-lineages.
Studies (Can be found in the linked articles above) are showing that even the new boosters are not going to be of any help with these new variants and sub-lineages.
The latest data emerging shows that at least 26 of these newer Omicron variants and sub-lineages are going to be predominant by late fall and for the duration of winter and with many able to cause breakthrough infections, we can expect reinfections to be the norm.
But this time not only will be intervals between reinfections be shorter, but the very high possibility that we will see co-infections with these various variants and sub-lineages as well!
Scientist and physicians are warning that the coming surge with such a scenario of co-infections being a norm will see a rise in disease severity and also very high hospitalization rates! With literally no therapeutic tools left, we can expect the mortality rate to also rise!
New caseloads and hospitalizations are already starting to increase in various parts of Europe including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Hungary, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Romania and Poland without many of these newer Omicron variant and sub-lineages being predominant in circulation yet!
Once these newer Omicron variants start to become predominant in coming weeks, we can expect to see the true impact of the coming fall and winter surges.
Individuals need to wake up to what is coming and start making preparations. The scenario is even worse than the start of the pandemic and we can expect to see hospitalization and death rates like we have never ever seen so far.
For those who assume that we are here to spread ‘fear porn’, we strongly suggest that you start making plans with your own undertaker as it is the people such as yourselves that are not prepared that are going to be the first ones to succumb in the coming surges and the coming Christmas and New Year might be your last!
For the latest COVID-19 News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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