Yet Another Study Confirms Viral Persistence In So Called COVID-19 Recovered Patients! This Time In Breast And Appendix Tissues Of Two Patients With Long COVID!
Source: Medical News - Long COVID Feb 25, 2022 3 years, 1 month, 3 days, 8 hours, 46 minutes ago
Thailand Medical News has been reporting and warning about the occurrences and dangers of SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence since late 2020 and that there is actually no such thing as ‘recovered’ COVID-19 patients as a stupid nasal or saliva swab tests are not able to tell you that there is no presence of the SARS-CoV-2 elsewhere in your body. In fact, it has been coming to light more and more that numerous cells, tissues and organs of the human host body are actually perfect reservoirs or sanctuaries for the SARS-CoV-2 virus while it gradually kills you without you even being aware of what is happening to you! The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus deserves the title of being the perfect silent killer, either causing fatal heart failures, fatal strokes, fatal cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) events, acute kidney injury with fatal outcomes, sepsis and organ failures. The various conditions or symptoms of what people are now recognizing as Long COVID is just merely the tip of the iceberg or more worrying conditions that are developing in them!
Medical News hypothesizes based on our own studies and modeling on how the various human host cellular pathways and also genes are being disrupted and dysregulated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its proteins, that majority of all those who have been exposed by the spike proteins of the SARS-CoV-2, through natural infections or by other means, will eventually die within a time span not more than 5 to 8 years after exposure via the fatal outcomes we mentioned above or via aggressive cancers or secondary fatal opportunistic infections as a result of immunodeficiency! In fact most will die much earlier! (For those who think that we are fear mongering or talking garbage, time will tell.)
It does not matter if you were asymptomatic or only had mild symptoms initially.,-infections-pass-71-8-million-why-are-authorities-downplaying-viral-persistence
or-viral-persistence-and-misc-dangers" style="color: rgb(7, 130, 193); font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"; font-size: 13px;">
Despite our warnings and articles, no one really did bother or paid attention about SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence till the U.S. NIH were forced to published their study findings in December 2021 that showed SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence is indeed a common and serious occurrence!
However even despite that, there has been no change in terms of testing protocols, the definition of so called ‘recovered’ COVID-19 patients and even proper medical follow ups and protocols to deal with S
ARS-CoV-2 viral persistence and proper treatments.
Yes, we have so called more attention being paid to
Long COVID issues but these are just the tip of the iceberg symptoms or conditions that individuals are experiencing!
More worrisome is the issue that the brain cells and tissues, the cells and tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, immune cells and even kidney and liver cells and tissues are some of the viral reservoirs coupled with low persistence inflammation caused by the presence of these viral reservoirs and also disruption and dysregulation of various cellular pathways and genes are also going to cause ‘accelerated cancers and tumors’.(We are doing a separate full article about SARS-CoV-2 and cancers in the coming fortnight)
The Omicron variant is literally ‘God-Sent’ for the eugenics controlling the COVID-19 narratives, as it was literally made for viral persistence.
For all those stupid and ignorant people, out there rejoicing about mild conditions associated with the Omicron variants or even about getting asymptomatic infection, do not be happy yet as your life span has already being shortened and you will be joining those that will not make it more than 8 years if not shorter!
Reverting back to the latest study about SARS-C0V-2 viral persistence, researchers from Agency for Science, Technology and Research-Singapore and the Long COVID Autonomous Communities Together Spain (Research group), Spain have in a new case study, reported the presence of residual SARS-C-v-2 virus within the appendix and breast tissue of 2 patients who exhibited Long COVID symptoms, 175 to 462 days upon their initial COVID-19 diagnosis!
The WHO or World Health Organization has defined long COVID-19 (LC) as a condition where patients exhibit persistent symptoms over time after its acute phase, which cannot be explained by alternative diagnosis.
The study team had previously reported residual viral antigens in tissues of convalescent patients.
In this new study, they aimed to assess the presence of such antigens in post-convalescent tissues.
The study team established the presence of residual virus within the appendix and breast tissue of 2 patients who exhibited LC symptoms, 175 to 462 days upon positive diagnosis, using immunohistological techniques.
The study team observed positive staining for viral nucleocapsid protein (NP) in the appendix, and tumor-adjacent region of the breast, but not within the tumor via multiplex immunohistochemistry. Notably, with RNAscope, both positive-sense and negative-sense (replicative intermediate) viral RNA were detected. As a single-stranded virus, SARS-CoV-2, have to produce a replicative intermediate as a template to synthesize new genomic RNAs. Thus, the detection of negative-sense viral RNA suggests ongoing viral replication.
While viral RNA and antigen from gastrointestinal and stool samples of convalescent patients has been extensively reported, this is the first study to detect viable virus. Furthermore, the positive finding in the breast tissue also corroborated with recent reports that immunocompromised patients had also experienced Long COVID symptoms and persistent viral replication. Overall, the study findings, along with emerging Long COVID studies, question the possibility of the gastrointestinal tract functioning as a reservoir for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
The study findings were published on a preprint server and are currently being peer reviewed.
The study team investigated whether residual severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) antigens and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are present in tissues samples of long COVID-19 patients beyond the convalescent phase of COVID-19. Most of these patients had been already classed as having recovered based subsequent COVID-19 test.
The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is a single-stranded RNA virus comprising four structural proteins such as Nucleocapsid (NP), Membrane (M), Spike (S), and Envelop (E) proteins along with several non-structural and accessory proteins, among which NP is of prime diagnostic importance.
The SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid forms complexes with viral genomic RNA that interacts with viral membrane proteins during virion assembly and plays a critical role in enhancing the efficiency of virus transcription. The nucleocapsid contains nucleocapsid antigens that can be detected by various serological diagnostic techniques based on viral nucleocapsid antigen binding to host anti-NP antibodies, such as immunohistochemistry (IHC). Immunostaining techniques such as IHC involve using chromogenic enzymes and special stains with or without fluorescence to detect the presence of a particular antigen in a tissue sample.
It is already known that the single-strand, positive-sense genomic RNA present in the SARS-CoV-2 molecular structure requires the presence of a negative-sense or replicative RNA. This RNA is used as a template for synthesizing new RNA copies, essential for viral replication. When viral counts are sufficiently high, clinical manifestations of COVID-19 start to occur in the human body.
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that Long COVID is a disease state in which COVID-19 symptoms like fever, brain fog, fatigue, muscle pain, and breathlessness persist in the patient beyond the acute period of the disease and cannot be attributed to any other diagnosis.
It is these residual genomic viral RNA copies that contribute to continuous viral replication in the host nucleus, which could give rise to reactivation of the immune system and re-infection in the presence of elevated viral counts.
It should also be noted that asymptomatic COVID-19 patients possessing residual viral cells also carry the risk of viral transmission to other individuals. Residual viral antigens, if present, could lead to false-positive results and decrease the accuracy of existing diagnostic procedures. Accurate and rapid diagnosis of these residual viral cells and antigens could lead to a decrease in the risk of re-infection and chances of false-positive results, respectively.
Past studies established that residual SARS-CoV-2 RNA and antigens are present in the stool and gastrointestinal (GI) samples of convalescent Long COVID patients. However, information on detecting viable viral cells in human organ tissues is sparse.
The current study evaluated whether residual viral antigens and viral RNA were present in post-convalescent tissues obtained from the skin, breast, and appendix of two Long COVID patients, approximately six months and 18 months after COVID-19 diagnosis. IHC analysis was used to detect SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid, whereas the RNAscope was used to detect the presence of residual positive-sense and negative-sense RNA.
In order to validate the study findings and eliminate the possibility of positive tissue staining due to infections other than COVID-19, labeled anti-SARS-CoV-2- nucleocapsid-antibodies were tested against the nucleocapsid antigen in GI tissues obtained in 2019 from another set of Long COVID patients. GI tissues are the site of major viral shedding and high viral spike (S) protein binding host angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (hACE2) receptor expression.
Interestingly the residual virus was detected within the appendix and tumor-adjacent region of breast tissue by IHC. However, no viral antigens were identified in the tumor. The skin did not take up the ICH stain, probably due to the high cellular turnover rate of skin cells.
Both negative-sense (template or intermediate replicative) RNA and positive-sense (viral genomic) RNA were detected in the breast and appendix tissues using RNAscope, indicating constant viral replication.
The research findings demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 antigens and particles persist in human tissues longer than a year after COVID-19 diagnosis. These residual cells must be diagnosed and eradicated at the earliest to accelerate complete host recovery, decrease the chance of re-infection, and increase the accuracy of diagnostic procedures.
Urgent research is warranted to help ascertain the reason for the absence of residual SARS-CoV-2 antigens and RNA in breast tumors and skin cells and investigate whether the GI tract is a true reservoir of SARS-CoV-2.
It is time that the medical community recognize that there is no such thing as COVID-19 recovered patients and that all who have been exposed to the virus and the spike proteins are properly tested for viral persistence despite the fact that these diagnostics and exercises are costly and to develop proper monitoring and treatment protocols. In coming months and years, excess death rates are going to be exponentially phenomenal and researchers should pay careful attention as to what is actually happening.
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SARS-CoV-2 Viral Persistence, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.