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  Nov 13, 2018

MAST's DiscMaster 4 Dispenser

MAST's DiscMaster 4 Dispenser
  Nov 13, 2018

Introducing the 4th generation antibiotic disc dispenser, reengineered to optimize performance of dispensing Antibiotic Susceptibility Test (AST), Combination and Identification discs within the MASTDISCS® range.

The DiscMasterTM 4 is available in a convenient 6-place format in line with the EUCAST disc diffusion methodology.  Due to its novel and innovative design, the DiscMasterTM 4, unlike other commercially available dispensers, offers an in-use shelf life of 4 weeks for all antimicrobials including the carbapenem group.

The DiscMasterTM 4 is presented in a canister with new soft silicone seals, providing improved protection against moisture when used in line with Mast silica gel capsules (SILICA63).

In addition, the automatic “lock-off” functionality indicates when the final disc has been dispensed from a cartridge, permitting users to replenish their supply.

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for MAST's DiscMaster 4 Dispenser