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  Nov 14, 2018

pNeuton Mini Ventilator form Airon

pNeuton Mini Ventilator form Airon
  Nov 14, 2018

The new pNeuton mini ventilator, a whole new approach to neonatal, infant and pediatric ventilation.  A purely pneumatic ventilator that can support patients non-invasively using nasal prongs or masks with CPAP or ventilation + CPAP.  The ventilator can also be used with endo-tracheal tubes for full support.

With a built-in oxygen blender and precise timing and pressure controls that ventilator will do everything standard infant ventilators do, but without the need for electricity or batteries.  The ventilator is ideal for transporting patients both with-in the hospital and via air or ground ambulance.  It is fully MRI compatible and can be placed right next to the MRI.

Mini, the newest ventilator to expand your care of our most fragile patients from 400 grams to 25 kilograms.

Benefits for the patient:

  • A wide range of continuous flow settings to provide the right ventilation for the size of your patient with the least amount of expiratory flow resistance
  • Adjustable oxygen delivery from 21% to 100% to precisely match patient oxygen requirements
  • Switch from CPAP nasal prongs, face mask to invasive ventilation seamlessly and without interruption
  • One ventilator with no change in patient circuit wherever patient care and diagnostic procedures are needed
For more detail:
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for pNeuton Mini Ventilator form Airon