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Angular cheilitis is a condition in which the folds of the skin at the corners of the lips become exaggerated and irritated due to the retention of moisture or loss of epithelium. This appears as redness and cracking of the skin at the angle of the mouth. It may arise from many different causes.
Credit: frank60/
Immunosuppression should be asked for and looked for by testing if no obvious cause is evident. Allergic contact dermatitis is another commonly overlooked cause for angular cheilitis, and may be due to common flavoring agents, lip cosmetics such as sodium lauryl sulfate, and preservatives. Refractory angular cheilitis may be the only sign of malignancy. If the diagnosis is not unmistakable or there is evidence of any allergic condition underlying the perleche, a dermatologic consultation should be asked for.
Angular cheilitis is sometimes a self-limited condition and then the treatment consists of symptomatic management. This includes the timely and frequent moisturization of the lips, with ointments, to avoid lip licking and minimize skin maceration.
When infection or eczema is present, topical antibiotics, antifungals, and steroids play a role. In oral candidiasis, which is almost always present in angular cheilitis, the best treatment is with oral and topical nystatin, or topical gentian violet, along with frequent cleaning and drying of the area.
In some cases, topical steroids are added to the use of anti-candidial ointments or lotions to reduce the inflammation. Desonide and hydrocortisone 1% are often recommended. If the candidiasis does not clear up with topical antifungal therapy, systemic fluconazole is prescribed in adults (with liver function monitoring). Systemic antibiotics may be needed, though rarely, if the infection does not subside with topical treatment.
Nutritional supplementation is necessary in case of iron or vitamin deficiency. In cases where the angles of the mouth are permanently overhung by the upper lips, filler material or implants may be used to restore firmness to the skin in this area and keep the angles of the mouth dry and clean. Surgery is useful to correct the redundant folds of skin at the angles of the mouth in edentulous patients. Elderly patients need prolonged barrier ointment use to prevent rapid relapses.
Faulty dentures should be adjusted for vertical height, and the patient shown how to clean them daily, in addition to the above measures for oral candidiasis.
In all patients, in between topical application of anti-infective agents, barrier ointments such as petrolatum or zinc oxide should be used to keep the area from becoming wet again, which hastens re-epithelialization.