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Treating eating disorders is not a one time or a short term process. There is a high risk of relapse and recurrence. Another difficulty is that an anorexic patient believes that the emaciation is normal and attractive and bulimic patient feels that purging is the only way to prevent obesity.
Anorexics may be reinforced in their beliefs by their coaches and teachers at times to maintain a low body fat and often family refuses to perceive eating disorders in their children.
Treatment involves a multidisciplinary team approach with continued support and counselling. Team members include:
The major aims of treatment of eating disorders are:
Patient is counselled before enrolling into therapeutic sessions that it is painful and requires hard work on the part of the patient and family. They are explained that quite a few therapeutic methods are likely to be tried until the patient succeeds and that relapse is common but needs to be tackled with will power and support.
Research shows that about 70% of people with bulimia and 27 - 50% of patients with anorexia nervosa are free from eating disorders within 10 years of treatment.
Treatment approaches include:
This is the mainstay of therapy. Depending on the problem, certain psychologic approaches may work better than others. Cognitive behavioural therapy is the most used and best approach.
These are usually prescribed to treat co-existing psychiatric ailments.
These help patients to gain weight and learn healthy eating plans and patterns.