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Around 3 to 5% of the world population suffers from a widespread painful disorder called fibromyalgia. Females are affected more often than males.
There are multiple tender points and other symptoms like sleep disturbances, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and fatigue that may severely disable the patient and interfere with daily functioning affecting quality of life.
For each individual the symptoms and time course are variable and may wax and wane with time, never really going away.
Most recommendations do not suggest a special therapeutic diet for this disease. However, it is known that all patients with rheumatoid diseases may have nutritional deficiencies. Diet for fibromyalgia thus focuses on:-
There are several sources of information prescribing and proscribing certain diets among fibromyalgia sufferers. This may confuse patients.
There is no scientific evidence that any special diet helps. However, for most patients there are certain foods that are known to trigger fibromyalgia pain.
Thus the ideal diet for each patient is individualized and different for different people. This is because of the co-existing conditions with fibromyalgia include gluten intolerance, gout and irritable bowel syndrome.
Some of the foods that fibromyalgia patients should definitely avoid include:-