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Fibromyalgia is a condition with widespread debilitating pain. It is present in around 0.5-10% of the worldwide population with a seven times higher presence among females than males.
Apart from pain there are symptoms of fatigue, sleep disorders, stiffness, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, memory or concentration problems etc. Due to the wide range of symptoms affecting the patients, the condition is often termed as fibromyalgia syndrome. The characteristic feature of this condition is the pain.
The condition is not formally classified based on any criteria. Some camps however classify fibromyalgia based on the type and intensity of the pain.
The fibromyalgia pain is accompanied by a high degree of impairment in the patients in performing their daily functioning. Fibromyalgia patients report a poorer quality of life compared to other chronic pain patients.
Types of fibromyalgia pain include:-