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A hangover refers to a group of symptoms that occur after having drunk too much alcohol and the effects of the alcohol have faded. Generally, the more alcohol a person drinks, the more likely they are to experience a hangover the following day. However, some people are able to drink heavily without suffering any hangover symptoms, while others develop symptoms after having consumed only a small amount of alcoholic drink.
The symptoms of a hangover usually begin once the blood alcohol level falls low enough for the intoxicating effects to no longer be felt. Depending on how much alcohol a person has drunk, some of the symptoms they may experience include the following:
Hangovers usually pass after 24 hours, although they can last longer. If planning to drink alcohol, doing so responsibly can decrease the risk of a hangover.
Various over-the-counter drugs are available that claim to prevent hangovers, but the only certain way to avoid a hangover is to not drink alcohol. If a person does choose to drink, they should remember that minimizing alcohol intake will reduce the likelihood of a hangover.
Other measures people can take to protect against a hangover include the following: