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Vaginoplasty is a major surgical procedure used to narrow the vagina. It is performed in a variety of situations such as to provide a vagina for women who have androgen insensitivity syndrome, vaginal agenesis, or similar health conditions. It is also adopted to reverse the normal slight laxity that occurs to a varying extent in women who have given birth vaginally, after childbirth, as well as in older women.
Additionally, it can be used to correct congenital defects of the vagina or acquired deformities due to cancer, tumors or trauma.
With the need to cater to transgender individuals, several new and complex sex-conversion techniques evolved including the Wilson procedure, which uses a three-stage penile inversion technique to create female-appearing external genitalia.
The intestinal vaginoplasty technique is also used to create a vagina in congenital adrenal hyperplasia with ambiguous genitalia, or in androgen insensitivity syndrome. Any of the vaginoplasty techniques which make use of skin, amnion or other external tissue to line the newly created cavity may also be applied in this situation.
Many women feel that a lax vagina is an inhibitor of sexual pleasure and ask for vaginal tightening. Besides perineal surgery to approximate the perineal muscles and narrow the introitus and vaginal wall, there are modern techniques available, such as laser tightening. This uses carbon dioxide laser beams to produce controlled injury, which stimulates collagen synthesis and leads to regeneration of new supporting tissue, tightening of the vaginal mucosa.